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A Gentle Spirit


Jeanne Stewart, Oklahoma




Harvest of Blessing


jeanneB.jpgAs summer begins to change seasons, the southern breeze brushes the early morning atmosphere with a faint hint of autumn. Northern flows of cooler, moist air move down from distant mountains, bringing the beginning signs of early fall.


Indian Summer - is a term the plains people use to describe climate changes that provide more time to bring in the last crop of the growing season. The frigid winds of winter will soon cease all harvest as the soil prepares for its long season of rest.


“The harvest is finished and the summer is gone, the people cry, yet we are not saved.” (Jeremiah 8:20 NLT)



The Story


Allow me to share a story the Lord gave me in the night during a time of sleeplessness and prayer.


There once lived a farmer who gained control of the farms adjoining to his land by utilizing some rather sneaky methods. As he acquired more and more territory, he became less and less busy working his fields during planting and harvest season.


A neighboring farmer to the north refused to be forced out by the tactics of this rich, unscrupulous farmer. The clever neighbor observed how the hired workers on this rich farmer’s fields always waited too long at the end of summer for the final harvesting. He thus devised an equally devious scheme to confiscate the valuable crops from the rich land owner without him realizing his loss.


While gathering his own crops, the northern farmer quietly began adding more and more of the rich farmer’s crops and ground into his own harvest. The upper fields of the rich farmer’s land were slowly becoming the southern part of the neighboring farmer’s holdings.


Through many years of harvesting, the deception continued.



Fruits of the Earth


“A poor person’s farm may produce much food, but injustice sweeps it all away.” (Proverbs 13:23 NLT)


The story speaks of a small farm and a large land owner. One improves his land by hard work, and the other upon injustice of power. Both grow in acreage by dishonest gain.


A great estate can be ruined by the lack of honest management and carelessness. The first farmer over-extended himself, not caring whom he harmed, keeping more servants than he could afford. At the same time, his northern neighbor took advantage of the slumbering hired help that would not harvest the crops in a timely manner.



Seize the Harvest


“So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up.” (Galatians 6:9 NLT)


So what can we learn from this story?


Our God made seasons of life for all His creation, whether it is the trees, the fields, the animals or His own, made in His image. We all carry within us the life first initiated by God.


We must see that it is deep within our spirit we too have a time of harvest. The Father’s work in us does not sleep – in spiritual times of barrenness we must rest in Him until the time of harvest comes forth in its time. All the while, He purifies our faith, strengthens our character, conserves our energy and prepares us for our eternal future.


The enemy will try to seize the fruit of the earth, which in the spiritual – is souls. However, we must seize the harvest the enemy desires to steal, through prayer and compassion for the lost of our world.


The cold and sluggish days of winter come to hide us in our season of rest as the future hope that is within us will move into our next season of life with a freshness of new birth. May we not give up so close to the end as we reap the harvest of blessings.