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~ A Gentle Spirit ~


Pastor Jeanne Stewart, Oklahoma





New Every Morning


Imagine with me the bread section of your local grocery store. Several times, once or twice a week the delivery truck drops off all kinds of segmented or packaged breads into the receiving area. Then these items for consumption are routed and placed within their own sections on the bread aisle. The early morning shoppers are seen squeezing the desired tasty grains for freshness just before their purchase.


Next experience with me the aroma wafting from the direction of an in-store deli-bakery. The first batch of the morning’s fresh baked cinnamon raisin bread has just come out of the ovens. Whiffs of freshly made varieties of grains bring the early morning shoppers into the bakery area to purchase the freshest of the just-baked breads.


Now tell me, which would you most want? Freshly-packaged diversity of breads trucked in up to three times a week or freshly-baked varieties of delicious grains made new every morning for that days consumption?


As believers in the One True God, our daily provision of bread comes in two varieties. One feeds and fuels the physical body to exist and live while the other’s intention is to feed and equip the soul for spiritual power and strength.


Fresh Manna is our Bread


“He had commanded the clouds above and opened the doors of heaven, had rained down manna on them to eat and given them of the bread of heaven. Men ate angels’ food; He sent them food to the full.” (Psalm 78:23-25)


Every morning, first thing, God provided food for His children in the wilderness journey. The food was a form of bread called manna and was only fresh for that day’s meal. The children of Israel were not to take any of that day’s food into the next day without it evaporating as rotten. So Father God sent the fresh bread every morning as dew from heaven to be gathered to prepare each day’s need.


Our Faith is Only as Deep as Our Difficulties


“Through the Lord’s mercies we are not consumed because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness.” (Lamentations 3:22-23)


The freshness of the Lord’s aroma wafts from faithful quality quiet time with Him before the day actually starts. Depth in our walk of grace draws people to honor His power and strength as we leave our homes to begin a day’s work. Spending time in prayer and Bible study first in our morning disciplines our spiritual person. Then Christ’s loving fragrance of life surrounds our heart as we meditate on Him through the day. He becomes our spiritual food of strength to deal with the difficulties of work. We must realize that these difficulties we face can bring us deeper within a life of righteousness as we trust our God to perform His word in us.


God helps us deal with the issues of complicated situations that arise in life.

The world views life like packaged bread. It begins fresh but as the day wears on into just another calendar day of stale existence the fresh aroma fades.


We as true believers in Jesus Christ as our Redeemer have to make our deeper walk of faith in His grace and mercy happen by leaning on the promises of God’s Word. We will minister help and encouragement to others only as we believe all God’s promises can be trusted. We are set apart so we can be a blessing to others.


Just as God fed the children of Israel and provided for their every physical need under the old covenant, He teaches us to trust in Him as our heavenly Father under the new covenant in Christ Jesus, His Son. One day at a time He leads us.


Remember today that God’s Son came down from heaven for you and me so that we could be forgiven our sins. As we allow Him to feed us the spiritual food of Himself as manna, we can become new every morning in His grace.