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Seed Within

Jeanne Stewart, Oklahoma


            Walking into a grade school classroom during a spring science class, you just may see little cups of dirt with long stringy vines curling upward, reaching toward the light. Upon closer examination, you might even see a shriveling seed dying on the end of these tender bean vines. The green bean seed seems to be used as every child’s starting point in observing growth patterns of plants. Their science project has them scrutinizing each part of the seed’s development from beginning to fruit bearing. Time will show how many of these children become involved in gardening or farming from this first experience in growing green bean seeds.


            Within Christ’s church many have heard it prophesied that each generation increases in understanding of spiritual accomplishments over the previous generation. Upon closer look, it might even be said that people are actually the fruit of seeds that others mentored into their lives by their actions and words. We live and work in a world where people’s lives are custom-made each day as one generation is not made perfect without the other. Observing some of the seeds planted within, we grow sturdy to supply the starting point of faith and obedience into the next generation. In Hebrews 11:40 God had us in mind and had something better and greater in view for us, so that the heroes and heroines of faith should not come to perfection apart from us before we could join them.



God Planted A Garden ~


            In Genesis chapter one, on the third day, God spoke to the land, “… sprout with vegetation – every sort of seed-bearing plant and trees that grow seed-bearing fruit. These seeds will then produce the kinds of plants and trees from which they came.” In chapter two of Genesis we read that the Lord God planted a garden in Eden in the east and placed the man whom He had formed in the garden to tend and watch over it. We see by chapter two of Genesis the creation of the heavens and the earth and that everything in them were completed. Such a thought; ‘… everything in them was completed.’ This tells me that God placed within the heavens and within the earth all that is going to be. He then rested from His finished work. There was no more that God would create. All the seeds of life are within, waiting to come forth. Within seeds, all seeds, there is life to continue on through all generations until God speaks forth, “…it is finished.” God, entering into His rest, then had communion with His creation in the cool of the evening.


            Created in the image of God in the garden, male and female enjoyed the image of God, the intimacy of God and unbroken fellowship with God.  Within God’s garden He would walk with His created children and there was nothing that was not perfect. God was the Holiness of His garden, making it possible for Adam and Eve to walk and talk with Him in a covenant relationship. A perfect place, a comfortable setting, a faultless seed, and a completeness of the holy were all within the garden.


So how did deception enter? Deception came from the self-centered disobedience of a thought that questioned God’s warning of death. Then the once-perfect man began the process of sin, withering the seed within. Man became conscious of the shame of the sin of disobedience. God gave man a choice to choose a good life, honoring Him as Creator, or dishonoring His holiness and as a result bringing a curse of death from generation to generation. The first man’s decision in disobedience placed him outside the perfect place of peace, absent from God’s ideal communion. The seed of sin grew then outside the garden and multiplied evil on the earth.



Noah Planted People into the Next Generation ~


            The story found in chapter six of Genesis gives an account somewhat opposite of the ideal garden. Violence had multiplied within the midst of earth’s imperfect generations of people. The only blameless person living on earth at the time, ‘… perfect in his generations,’ was a righteous man named Noah who made the decision to honor his Creator. He found favor with God because he made the right choice to walk in close fellowship with God in the midst of all the evil on earth. We see now a much harder place to walk with God in obedience than within the peaceful garden.


God observed the wicked seed within evil man and decided to destroy all living creatures by flooding the complete earth with water. This washed away all life except Noah and his family who were saved within the floating ark in the midst of the water. Through Noah’s three sons, God brings forth the next generation of people from Noah’s seed within. Pairing the animals, God led male and female to Noah, and their seed within continued again after the flood. In verse seventeen of chapter six God tells us, ‘… everything that is on the earth shall die.’ Notice it speaks of “on” the earth, not within. There was still good within the seed in the earth that had not yet come forth. God chose Noah to keep the good seed alive to the next generation because as verse 9 declares, ‘… he was perfect in his generations.’


An important part of the story of Noah was the lengthy time it took to prepare the ark before the flood actually came about. During this time Noah tried to persuade the people around him everyday about the judgment of God that was coming and called them to repent and be saved from the flood. Hearing the warnings of God’s preacher, however, was unprofitable to these disobedient people because of their unbelief. Just like in the garden, God’s warning of death failed to gain the reverence of His word, for it was, “… not being mixed with faith in those who heard it.” (Hebrews 4:2)

On Earth as it is In Heaven ~


Isaiah chapter fifty five gives us a marvelous word picture of Christ Jesus, the spoken Word, coming from heaven to earth to make a way back to the Holy Communion with God and His creation. ”The rain and snow come down from the heavens and stay on the ground to water the earth. They cause the grain to grow, producing seed for the farmer and bread for the hungry. It is the same with My Word. I send it out and it always produces fruit. It will accomplish all I want it to, and it will prosper everywhere I send it. You will live in joy and peace. The mountains and hills will burst into song and the trees of the field will clap their hands! Where once there were thorns, cypress trees will grow. Where nettles grew, myrtles will sprout up. These events will bring great honor to the Lord’s name; they will be an everlasting sign of His power and love.”


            It is certain that God, after His work, entered into rest on the seventh day. It is also certain that Christ, when He finished the work of our redemption, entered His rest in heaven at the right hand of God. We as believers will enter our rest after the end time harvest of souls. Our work continues as we sow the seeds of His Word into good ground. Hebrews chapter four, beginning with verse nine, declares, “… so there is a special rest still waiting for the people of God. For all who have entered into God’s rest have rested from their labors, just as God did after creating the world.”         


Good seeds are sown by the obedient children of God, whereas bad seeds or ‘tares’, as the word calls them in Matthew 13:38, are sown by the disobedient. There will be a separation of the wicked from among the just. So we must keep in mind that it is God who has supplied the good seed within to sow. Let us make every effort to be about the Kingdom business of this end-time harvest of souls, as we sow only the truth of His Word, our precious seed within.


Ending Prayer Thought ~


            Father God, You walked in the garden and Your Son Jesus walked on the earth creating footprints of glory that will never be erased. You created seeds of life that are within us to grow on into each generation until You call us home to rest with You. We pray that we speak forth Your Words, the precious seed within; mixed with faith, to those lives around us we touch each day. May we daily die to self-centered disobedience that keeps us from reaching upward toward Your Light of Glory. In the name above all names, the Name of Jesus we pray.  Amen ~