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Jeanne Stewart, Oklahoma














Fatherly Whistles


Unassuming sounds fill the spring morning as it awakens from nighttime’s slumber. In the distance a train moves closer echoing a faint whistle. Outside the bedroom window, mockingbirds whistle a tune, inspiring the rising sun to stretch higher above the treetops in the eastern sky. The hummings of the morning are pleasant in the calm and quiet as each blend into another until the day has aroused fully to the hassle of yet another day in June’s calendar.


My father ~


As a young child seven to nine years old I enjoyed my father’s company, hanging around him as he worked outside on his truck or in his workshop building something of wood. During the mowing season I was his water-girl, sitting under the shade tree waiting to meet all his needs at the sound of his call. These are memories I shall always cherish. It was my special time with dad alone.


My father worked hard six days of the week from early morning until evening, so Sunday afternoon was our time together. Usually I sat quietly watching him work, just content to be in his presence without any words between us. On one afternoon while my dad was making a book shelf and sanding a piece of wood, he taught me to whistle. Not your “sweet-little-girl” soft kind of whistle, but your loud and long “hold-your-mouth-right” kind of whistle that the boys in the neighborhood coveted to learn. I was so proud of the fact I could run with my brother and whistle as loud as or even louder than his friends because our daddy taught us the real way to whistle.


My children’s father – My husband ~


As a wife I take pleasure in my husband’s company and attach great importance to my time with him. During our thirty-three years together we have many memories of special times that grow mutually deeper as the years progress.


Our son and daughter growing up quietly watched their father work about the house. But even more than my own dad, my husband spoke godly wisdom into their needs as he built character and trusting relationships with them.


He has a special “I-am-home” whistle that announces his arrival as he comes home for the day. With our children grown and out of the home it is now our kitty-boy Jerico that comes running to meet him at the door. The special sound of that whistle still makes my heart embrace the warm memories when I hear him come home.


My Father God ~


As a daughter of the Most High God, I have need of my Heavenly Father’s presence. My quiet time together with Him in my morning’s secret place is a must for me. I cannot function appropriately in today’s world without my cherished time with my Heavenly Father. I may not see His face as He speaks to me through His Words, but I know He is near. In those times when He is there with me, Spirit to spirit as my heart warms with His acceptance of me; I sit quietly pondering His purpose within me.


My Father God also whistles. Finding these astonishing scriptures in His Word one morning brought delight to my heart. “When I whistle to them, they will come running for I have redeemed them.” (Zechariah 10:8) The Lord had made a promise to restore His people after judgment against Israel’s enemies. “He will send a signal to distant nations far away and whistle to those at the ends of the earth, they will come racing toward Jerusalem. (Isaiah 5:26)


So you see I have many fatherly whistles in my past, my now, and my future. Just as my daddy taught me to whistle, and my husband so lovingly announces his arrival home by his whistle, my Heavenly Father will also whistle, calling me to Himself. And on that great day, I will be among the Bride who clearly hears and comes up quickly to live and reign with Him for all eternity.