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Bible Study with Jeanne Stewart @


A Gentle Spirit


Jeanne Stewart, Oklahoma




Joy of Wisdom


jeanneBIn the early light of morning, when night’s battle in prayer stills, joy comes with a perfect peace and understanding from the throne room of Heaven. Believing and accepting Christ Jesus as Lord and Redeemer does not automatically remove the difficulties of life. But our attitude in which we meet adversity does. Viewing each situation through prayer from God’s perspective, we begin to learn His awe-inspiring wisdom.


We are to take a different view of joy when facing difficult times. We have to understand the purpose of God as a means to our spiritual growth. Negative hardships carry the possibly of good results in their design of proving genuineness and truth. Patience comes from the purging and stripping away of our own way of thinking to bring forth His absolute purpose in us.


Joy and Patience ~


We are to, ‘… count it all joy when we fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of our faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be mature and complete, lacking nothing.’ (James 1:2-4)


God’s depth of joy is not just our emotional reaction, but a deliberate work of His amazing grace to build our confidence in Him and His loving ways alone. Almighty God does not need our flimsy ideas or help, but our surrendered heart in obeying His will in the difficulty we are facing. Then patience is not the defensive acceptance to adverse circumstances, but a positive steadfastness that boldly endures and trusts as the situation is worked out in God’s completeness of God’s perfect timing.


Ask in Faith for Wisdom ~


Then, ‘… if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him.’ (James 1:5)


The word reproach originally has this meaning according to Strong’s Concordance: To behave in a very juvenile and immature way, describing youngsters who make fun of, tease, and taunt each other. Then the word came to denote mocking, ridiculing, scolding, insulting, and using words angrily or sarcastically. Simply put, God takes your request seriously – He does not scold or ridicule.


Godly wisdom is required in every hard place or situation of life. As a true child of God we seek His wisdom. The greatness of our Father God’s love for His children is in our assurance that He gives us His best without reminding us of how unworthy we truly are.


So be encouraged, ask for the Godly joy of wisdom that separates the precious from the vile in that we can draw close to Him and lack nothing.