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Pastor Larry Gatlin - "A NEW CREATURE, A NEW LIFESTYLE -














Pastor Larry Gatlin, So Oregon















Hey Folks, it's time once again to come together and break bread. The Bread of Life!


For June I had a thought, what is a true Father? Is he just a guy who is able to procreate or is he more than that? My conclusion is that he is more. In fact a true father isn't just a father to his own children but to others as well.


   One of the first scriptures that came to mind was Heb. 11:1 "Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” Then in verse 6 we read, without faith it is impossible to please God for he who comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.


   Anyone who chooses to be a good Father must also be a man of faith. Verse 8 then describes Abraham as a man of faith. Abraham, the Father of many nations walked in faith. Verse 10 says that Abraham was looking for a city whose builder and maker was God. Guess what, he found it!     If we are going to be the kind of earthly Fathers that are pleasing to God we too must be looking for that city and we must maintain a life of faith.


What are some good characteristics of a Godly Father?

1. He is a man of Faith

2. He is a man of character

3. He has strong moral ethics and is willing to live by them and never compromise the truth of God's Word.

4. He is man that is full of Gods Love and passes it on to his family and others.

5. He is a man who walks in wisdom and understanding

6. he is a man that will reach out to help others whenever possible.

7. He is a man who knows how to walk upright with a strong back bone, but he also knows how to get down on his knees and reach out to God.

8. He is a man that will also look you in the eye and speak the truth in Love, but is not afraid to get down on his knees and speak into the life of a child.

9. He is a man who follows the heart of our Heavenly Father. "For God so love the world that He gave His only begotten Son, He is a giver like Father God.

10. He is willing to make his life an example to others.

   Paul wrote "For tho you might have ten thousand instructors in Christ, yet you do not have many Fathers; for in Christ Jesus I have begotten you through the Gospel.”


A real Father is a man who will take on the responsibility to give direction to his own children as well as to others. We live in a society where there are many absentee fathers; both naturally and spiritually.


   Let's take up the mantle of being good fathers; father to your own children and to others that the Lord may place in your pathway. Oh, by the way, outside of your biological family, the others you may Father can come in all ages, shapes, sizes and colors. So keep your hearts open to any that our Heavenly Father may place in your path.


Pastor Larry