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Fathers, Bible-study,


Pastor Larry Gatlin, So Oregon


It was in June of 1968 that our eldest child, a daughter was born. Wow, suddenly I was a father. There is always something special about a father and his daughter. But I had a goal set for her. One that was not exactly what most dads would have selected for their first-born daughter. You see I had always wanted five boys (my own basketball team), and one little girl that I could spoil rotten.


So, when I started out with a girl first I decided that my goal for her would be that she would out ride (a horse or motorcycle), out shoot and out fish all the boys her age. I am happy to say that that goal was attained. My daughter will be thirty something soon (how's that for discretion?), and has a great husband and a wonderful son. My grandson by the way is extremely intelligent, athletic and talented.


My next child was, once again a daughter. Now, I'm ready to give up on ever having five boys. So my goal for this daughter was… you guessed it - to out ride, out shoot and out fish any boy her age. She too attained this goal.


This daughter also has a wonderful family. It consists of her husband, and three great little girls. All of whom are intelligent, athletic and talented. In fact my oldest granddaughter sings in the, “Oregon Children’s Choir". It appears that the other two may well follow their big sister in that pursuit.


My youngest child is a son. Yeah!!!! Finally I got a son. He and I had a wonderful relationship. He loves to fish, hunt, and was a very good athlete.  He still enjoys a variety of activities. But there was one thing that my wife and I didn’t know about him. One that has lead to a profession that he seems to really enjoy and actually makes money doing. We had never seen his artistic side.


When he became a glass blower we were a bit surprised. But he is getting better at it all the time.  He is moving soon, to enroll in classes - so he will become even better at his profession.


Oh, let me explain that my wife and I had decided after the birth of our second daughter that we probably wouldn't have any more children. But our heavenly Father had a different plan. All of our children are a blessing to my wife and I; we love them all a great deal. Like most parents though we love them all differently.


My oldest will always be my special baby. She and I seem to agree on more things than we disagree. And we seem to share a gifting from God to be able to help people through their difficult times.


My second child is the one who in many ways is most like myself (sorry TJ). She has her father’s determination and never quit attitude; although all of my children seem to share that quality. She will follow her heart and never give up until she has reached her goal. It is fun to watch as this attitude is passed on to her children. Boy do I feel sorry for some of their teachers!


 My son is not married yet; he is kind of looking but he wants to be financially secure before marriage. I appreciate that concept, but it does cut back on the possibility of more grandkids to spoil. He is a very sensitive young man; something that he obviously inherited from his Mother. Well actually from both of us. He is the type of person that you could tell your deepest secrets to and be assured that they would be safe forever.


Well there you have it, the story of my Fatherhood. But my story isn't complete until I share one more thing with you. How can any of us ever know that we have been good Fathers or not? What makes the difference? Well let me take just a few more minutes and try to share my heart with you.


First, only time will tell if you have been a good Father or not. Second, what makes a good Father? This second question is the one that I want to spend my closing time on.


#1. To be a good Father we must experience and know the heart of our heavenly Father. That starts with salvation and grows as we mature in our relationship with Him!!!


#2. We must always be men of integrity. The word integrity is defined in "Webster’s New World Dictionary" as: completeness, wholeness, honesty and sincerity. I would add: faithful, loving, and nurturing. I know that most people see Moms as being nurturing, but we Dads need to be nurturing also.


#3. We must always protect and honor our families.

 But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house,

he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel. 1 Tim 5:8 KJV



#4. A true Father is one who always desires the best for his children, just like Father God does for us. But has the wisdom to guide them so that they discover most of it for themselves.


#5. A Godly Father is one who always leads his children into the truth of Gods Word and is Faithful in all his ways.

 But the Lord is faithful, who shall stablish you,

and keep you from evil.    II Th 3:3  KJV


#6. A godly father is one who recognizes the admonition.

 And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath:

but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. Eph 6:4 KJV


Finally. A godly father is one who loves to hear his children rise up and say, "Abba" Daddy I love you and thank you for being there for me.


Come to think of it - NOW would be a good time for us all to rise up and say, "Abba Father" I love and appreciate you!


Pastor Larry