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Welcome to BIBLE STUDY with PASTOR LARRY GATLIN @ - home of Strombolis eZine Welcome to my world


Straight From The Pulpit


Pastor Larry Gatlin, So Oregon





gatlinB.jpg   Welcome to my world! Last weekend we hosted a wonderful conference, “Fire in the Canyon”, with a great friend of Canyonville A/G. Wendell and Loretta McGowan have been a friends of my wife and I for twelve years. We saw signs, wonders, and miracles happen. One healing was our associate pastor, Patrick who hadn’t been able to raise his arms straight up over his head for years. Now he can do that and more. I had been having trouble sleeping because of pain in my right shoulder and I was healed the first night of the meeting. There were other confirmed healings. But as I watched I witnessed one of the greatest healings I’ve had the privilege to see. Several people were healed of depression. What an awesome weekend we experienced!


    I have noticed over the years that when an individual or a body of Believers have a great miracle the enemy try’s to come in and steal their victory. Peter warns us to be on the alert and watch out for the enemy of our soul, Satan.


1 Peter 5:8-9

Be careful! Watch out for attacks from the Devil, your great enemy. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for some victim to devour. 9 Take a firm stand against him, and be strong in your faith. Remember that your Christian brothers and sisters all over the world are going through the same kind of suffering you are. NLT


Our enemy delights in trying to rob us and take away our victory.


John 10:10

10 The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly. NKJV  But he can only get away with it if we allow it. There are some key steps we must follow.


1.    Realize that he is a thief and a destroyer. Recognize him for who and what he is.


2.      Always be on the alert for his unwanted intrusions. Years ago I was pasturing a church that had a mid-night Bible study for swing shift workers. I would go to the church about 11:00pm and get coffee and hot water ready for tea. I was preparing for them one night and was facing the gas range when suddenly I heard a thump sound coming from the pantry. We had experienced a break in just a few months before and my first thought was, “I have interrupted another break in.” I slowly turned around to face my attacker. I looked at eye level and saw nothing. Then my eyes caught a movement down low. I froze in my tracks as I saw the one thing that could bring fear into the heart of every out - doors man. It was the biggest skunk I have ever seen in my life and he was looking right at me. I knew enough to not move. After a few scary moments he took off running towards the sanctuary and disappeared under the platform where we had been doing some remodeling. As soon as I could I got some bricks and plugged the hole that he came in through. He was not a welcome intruder. I recognized him, the potential danger, and then took the precautions needed to make certain that he didn’t return. However, my wife would do the overheads for worship back then and she noticed that every service he would pop up during the music time of worship and watch every one praising the Lord. She could see his little head through the cracks in the bricks. He never once released any orders. But we were constantly aware of where he was.


3.    Always be aware of the enemy and what he is up to.

4.    Know his MO. Knowing how he operates will always tip us off to what he’s up to.

5.    Recognize that the enemy always comes to produce evil.

6.    Realize that Jesus came to bring “Abundant Life” or life to the fullest.

7.    The enemy is about death. Spiritual and physical.

8.    Jesus is about Life and more Abundantly.


I know this, “I choose life” not the death that the enemy brings.


    So welcome to my world, a world of faith that is propelled by Gods Love, Mercy, and Grace, I constantly expect Gods blessings in my life. But I also maintain a watchful eye for the enemy’s attacks. Because when I recognize them I can take immediate measures to cut him off at the pass. The Word and Faith kick in and I kick the enemy out.


    Have a great July and remember, “Gal 5:1

It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. NIV