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JESUS, Bible-Study,


Evangelist L. Gatlin, USA


 P T L!   What a week this has been. That sounds pretty exciting doesn't it?  Janice and I have been living in the Evangelist quarters at Medford First Assembly of God since June 15.   This week the Lord opened the door for us to move into a two bedroom mobile home in the country.  Just the kind of area that I enjoy.  Isn't it just like the Lord to provide at just the right time?  Which brings me to the subject at hand.


December is the month that we have set aside to celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  Another occasion when just at the right time Father provided the gift that was most needed.


The birth of Jesus was probably not the time you or I would have chosen but it was His right time.  The days were difficult and many were being oppressed by unwanted politicians and armies.  The social and economical climate was strained and difficult at best, but in the midst of it all, a star appeared.  One that would bring an announcement that would change the course of history for all time.


Years ago, when I was in the seventh grade, I was having a bit of trouble with world history.  My teacher Mrs. Sanders called me to her desk one day with a definition that changed my way of thinking about history for all time.  She said, "Larry, you are a Christian aren't you?"  I responded yes. She then said, "Well the best definition that I could ever give you is that history is,' "His Story".  I have never forgotten that definition this  very wise teacher gave me.  Obviously she would have been in a lot of trouble now days, but back then, she was the best.  Even today that definition sums up the importance of the birth of Jesus and the appearance of that star. Even the Wise men took time out from their busy schedules to follow that star and seek the reason for such a marvelous phenomena.


We have all seen the bumper stickers and the signs in Christian businesses, Jesus is the reason for the season.  Well, it's true. He is!  He is the reason that this whole world continues to function!  He is the reason that time marches on.  He is the reason that we celebrate Christmas.


Many today have never stopped to think about the true reason that we celebrate at this time of year.  So this year let's all take a little time to let as many as we can know that indeed, Jesus is the "Reason for the Season".  He is the reason that we even study history.  In fact He is the reason that this world continues to function with out crumbling. He is also the only absolute in a troubled and worried world.


So remember, He came into this world to set mankind free. To bring salvation to those who could never deserve it.  At the right time, God provided the perfect gift for all time.  Just at the right time He also provided the right, once and for all time sacrifice.


Have a great Christmas season.  Never forget He always provides just at the right time.

1 Tim 2:5-6
5 For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;
6 Who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time.

Pastor Larry