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Mercy, Larry-Gatlin,


Pastor Larry Gatlin, So Oregon


There is something really important on my mind this month; that being one of the missing elements in the Body of Christ today. It can be described by using one of two words, Mercy or Compassion. Both words have the same root in the original texts.


The truth that I want us to examine is simply this, Mercy is something that we all want at various times in our lives. But if we're ever going to receive Mercy in our time of need, we must first be willing to express it or issue it to any who ask Mercy of us.


I want to break it down into two categories. One. Mercy in the Old Testament, and second, Mercy in the New Testament.


(Definitions are taken from "Strongs Exhaustive Concordance")


I.  Mercy in the Old Testament.


A. checked (kheh'-sed) it means;

1.     Piety

2.     Favor

3.     Good deed

4.     Mercy compassion

5.     Look at this scripture:

Gen 24:27  “And he said, ‘Blessed be the LORD God of my master Abraham, who has not forsaken His mercy and His truth toward my master. As for me, being on the way, the LORD led me to the house of my master's brethren.’"  (NKJ)


B. racham (rakh'-am)

1.     compassion

2.     tender love - such as the love of a maiden.

3.     compassion - coming from deep within. Like bowels of mercy or compassion. Or like coming from the womb.


C. chanan (khaw - nan')

Ps 86:16 “ O turn unto me, and have mercy upon me; give thy strength unto thy servant, and save the son of thine handmaid. (KJV)


1.     primitive root -- to bend or stoop in kindness.

2.     to favor

3.     to be merciful


D. khah - sed


1. The everlasting mercy of the Lord.


Ps 136:1 “O give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever.”

my point concerning MERCY

          in the Old Testament:


Many have not even considered Mercy as a part of the Old Testament. The reason is because there were so many people who were destroyed. This was especially true when Israel entered the Promise Land. But it is actually Fathers Mercy that brought this about. It's difficult for us to understand sometimes, but if the enemies of Israel had not been destroyed, God knew that His people would become slaves to the idol worship and governments of pagans. We know that in fact they didn't destroy all of their enemies and indeed they fell pray to the paganistic influences of the land. The Hitites, Amorites, Gerzites, and even the Philistines were all descendants of the incestuous relationship that occurred between lot and his daughters when they got him drunk. We won't even go there.


Thus all of the Zites represent sin and the perversion that befall us if we do not take the time to build an intimate relationship with the Lord and fall upon His Mercy. It is His Mercy that enables us to live a Holy life and walk in His perfect will.


II. Mercy in the   New Testament


A. eleeo (el-eh-eh'-o)

1.     Compassionate by word or deed

2.     By divine grace

3.     To have compassion

4.     To obtain compassion

Matt 5:7 “Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.  (KJV)


B. eleos (el'-eh-os


2. Human or Divine

3. Especially active. Mercy should always be active in our Christian walk.

4. Tender Mercy


Now let's look at another word that is familiar to us.




We're all familiar with the different Greek words for Love. Phileo, erros, but I want us to look at the word, Agape for a moment.

Mercy is exactly what caused Father to bring to fruition (maturity) his plan of Salvation. In John chapter twenty one Jesus is going to teach the Disciples one of His most powerful lessons. Jesus has been crucified and in verse three Peter makes that statement that all of us men are familiar with. "I go a – Fishing." Now while they're fishing they see some one on the bank calling to them. Jesus has already appeared to them twice prior to this, but they are still a bit uncertain as to who he is. Then He reveals Himself to them. Jesus is now going to MODEL mercy and compassion for them. His objective is that they'll follow His lead and express the same as a part of their lives and ministries.


Jesus has prepared a meal for them as they come in to the shore they begin to notice that there is more going on here that they could see from father out. Jesus has bread and fish. It doesn't say that He took the fish that they caught, but that He already had the fish waiting for them.


 Was Jesus interested in satisfying their physical hunger? Yes, but He was more interested in showing them the importance of caring for people and displaying Mercy and compassion for every situation that they might face. Jesus knew the turmoil and strife that they were facing because of His crucifixion but He wanted them to see that in the midst of life's darkest trials and heartaches displaying Mercy and compassion must be one of our deepest priorities.


Now Jesus gets to the point. He begins a time of grueling Peter. Think about it, would you like to have been in Peters shoes (sandals)? "Peter, do you Love me, Lord you know I do. Peter, do you really love me (AGAPE) me? Lord you know that I do. By this point Peter is a bit ticked, Then Jesus really goes for it and a third time He asks Peter, Do you really Love me? Yes Lord I realllllllllllllllllyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Love you. "Then feed my sheep." 


Peter has to be thinking, Man this is a major bummer. Why's He always picking on me? But Jesus wasn't picking on Peter, He was preparing him to receive a major portion of Mercy.


Do you know what a bummer Lamb is? Well my wife's cousin who passed away some time ago  raised lambs. A bummer lamb is one that is a pain. It has no mother or has been rejected by it's mother and the Shepard has to care for it by hand. You have to give it close attention or you'll loose it. So what is Jesus implying here? Well He is teaching Peter the importance having and displaying Mercy. You see we all come in contact with people who are bummer Lambs. Some are addicted; some are depressed; some are down trodden and others are just plain hurting. The one thing that they all have in common is, they need some one who'll reach out to them and show them Mercy. If it isn't a Christian, who will it be?


There is no such thing as picking and choosing whom we'll show Mercy to. Some might say, well that one just doesn't fit in, or that other one is just too unlovable. But Jesus is saying to Peter and to all of us, "Feed my sheep". Don't worry about where they've been just reach out in Love (charity), Compassion and Mercy and take care of them. Peter wouldn't have and neither would we if we hadn't heard that Mercy/Compassion is a missing ingredient in the Church today.


It is important that we open our hearts to all people-groups, as well as all social and economical groups. We also need to be ready to display Mercy towards them all. For Mercy is indeed one of the greatest acts of Charity/Love that we could ever display to hurting people of this world.


You see, we who have experienced the Mercy of God can do no less than share that Love and Mercy that we have received with others. And it is never optional. We are obligated to Mercy as well as to show it.


Pastor Larry