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BIBLE STUDY with PASTOR LARRY GATLIN @ - home of Strombolis eZine


Straight from the Pulpit


Pastor Larry Gatlin, So Oregon






Zgatlin.jpgPraise the Lord! I have good news and I have better news. I believe we are in a season when the Lord is shaking everything that can be shaken. He is doing a work of Love and it requires that everything be shaken. The earth is being shaken. There are earth quakes and all manner of natural disasters happening in all the earth. The worlds political order is being shaken and I'm not just speaking of the coming elections here is the USA. The Middle East is a powder keg and so is many other nations in this world. Personal lives are being shaken. The family is under attack as never before. Relationships are being bombarded with one battle after another.


    But I have great news. God is in charge and we're not. He is calling for His Church to come to Him and stay under His wing. He is calling His church to be all that we can be in Him and He has great plans for us. I believe that He is about to bring a mighty move of The Holy Spirit upon the whole earth that will produce a New Great awakening.


    The shaking that is taking place will cause many to turn to Him and trust in Hid ways. It will call attention to his excellent greatness and a great harvest will come forth.


   It's very much like harvest time in the wheat fields. When the combines fire up and start moving there's a great rumbling and shaking. But the rumblings and shaking produce a mighty harvest which then becomes fruitful and produces breads, and other such results.


    In the Spirit there is a great harvest of souls and a mighty move of the Holy Spirit coming as a result of the rumblings and shakings that are happening. So get ready! The shaking will make way for the harvest, which I feel will make way for the return of the Lord.


    For those who are in the Kingdom of God we must realize that our God is able to keep us. Even in the midst of a great shaking. So as we look and see everything is being shaken we must continue to walk in faith and have confidence that the Lord will keep us.


Heb 12:28-29  Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe, 29 for our "God is a consuming fire."  NIV


Pastor Larry Gatlin