trusted God and so must we. It was counted unto him as faith. Abraham sought to
always please God in every way. His life was a living monument to the Glory of
God. In Genesis
Abraham was a man who sought Gods approval not mans. Many
today are more interested in what man thinks than what God desires for them.
When Abraham was asked to offer his only son unto God he made a
commitment that would never make sense to the human mind. But in Heb 11:17-19
Abraham took a major step of faith.
17 By faith Abraham, when God tested him, offered
Isaac as a sacrifice. He who had received the promises was about to sacrifice
his one and only son, 18 even though God had
said to him, "It is through Isaac that your offspring will be
reckoned." 19 Abraham reasoned that
God could raise the dead, and figuratively speaking, he did receive Isaac back
from death. NIV
In Abrahams mind and heart He knew that if he offered
Issac to the Lord, that the lord would raise Him from the dead. Just as father
knew when He sent His only begotten Son that Jesus would be born of a Virgin,
and one day go to an Old Rugged Cross and die for the sins of all mankind. But
that He would be raised from the dead on the third day. We ll know that He did
and that we have Salvation because of His great love for us. It was truly the
fulfillment of Gods promise to Abraham that all nations would be blessed by His
Abraham was able to perceive the promise of God and walk
into His blessings. If Abraham was able to walk into the blessings of God under
an inferior covenant, how much more should we be able to walk in and enjoy the blessings
of the superior covenant that Christ has provided. Just as
Abraham perceived Gods promises for his life we need to perceive them for our
lives. The more we perceive God the less that the things of this world have a
hold on us. The pleasure of this world give way to the pleasures of the
KINGDOM. Everything else begins to fade away in the light of His presence. The
acceptance of man becomes ridiculous to us.
It becomes a priority for us to draw near to God. His
Kingdom becomes more important than anything else. It become dependant upon the
view we have. If I see everything through the eyes of man I will have a limited
perspective. But if I can see through Gods eyes, the eyes of the Spirit, I'll
see clearer.
Have you ever tried to take a picture and suddenly realized
that you still had the lens cap on? When we try to see things without Gods
lenses we never get a clear perspective. But through His lenses the lense cap
is always off and everything is clear. The Spirit never clouds our vision on
Spiritual matters. It always releases a clear view of what God wants to do.
As we go into this new year it is important that we start
out by looking through Gods lenses and not our own. We must see by the eyes of
faith. True Faith;
4. MAY
Abraham and Moses were called friends of God. David was
called a man after Gods own heart. They were all three under an inferior
covenant. Since that is true, then how much greater should our relationship
with God under a superior covenant?
Pastor Larry
So let's go to the
Mount of the Lord so that we can learn His ways, walk in His paths, and then
watch the Word of the Lord go out from us and touch the lives of others.