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Honor, Larry-Gatlin,

Vessels of Honor

Pastor Larry Gatlin, So Oregon


Years ago when I was a young man I remember my mom telling us stories about her childhood. One of those stories was how they would have to take a bucket down to the creek several times a day and bring water back to the house. More often than not it was an old wooden bucket that they had to use. But what would they have done if they didn’t have that old bucket? Suddenly an old wooden bucket became a vessel of honor. It wasn’t beautiful to the eye. But with out it they couldn’t have washed the clothes, dishes, bathed or had drinking water. That old wooden bucket was worth a lot whenever there was a task to complete that required water.


During the time of the early church Paul wrote to Timothy and admonished him to be a vessel of honor. 2 Tim 2:21-22

21 Therefore if anyone cleanses himself from the latter, he will be a vessel for honor, sanctified and useful for the Master, prepared for every good work.

22 I know that sometimes we fail to see ourselves as vessels of honor. The accuser of the brotherhood gouges and tears at the fiber of our faith until we feel that we are unworthy worms. But when we cleanse ourselves from evil works the Lord can use us and make us vessels of honor.


You might be a dignitary or a popper. But when you allow yourself to be used for Gods glory you become a “Vessel of Honor”. Too often we let ourselves get caught up in watching others and desiring to be like them or to have a ministry like someone else. But God has made each of us distinctly different. He uses us because of our uniqueness and not in spite of the differences.


During the time of Christ and the “Early Church” each household had various vessels. Customarily there would be a vessel at the front door for washing your feet. Remember most every one walked everywhere they went and they wore sandals. That would make for some pretty dirty feet. So you were considered a good host or hostess if you had a washing vessel at the door. Normally the custom was for this vessel to be one that was in fairly good condition. Then there would be another vessel before you got to the dinner table for washing your hands. This one would be a lot nicer. When you would get to the table there would be another vessel for dipping your hands in and making certain that no unwanted food stuff remained attached to your fingers. There were at least two more vessels used in the home. On was for drawing and caring water. It wasn’t as nice looking as the ones used at the dinner table. But it was certainly more important. In fact there would have been no need for the vessels at the table if there hadn’t been water to put them in.


Finally there was one more vessel that was used. It was a vessel that was of great importance. It didn’t look very nice at all. In fact it often was cracked. But without this vessel the whole house would have carried a terrible aroma. It was the vessel that was used for taking out the garbage. Was it beautiful? No but necessary. Who wants a house full of garbage? Was it a vessel of honor? Absolutely! Sometimes we feel like we human garbage cans. Especially when everyone decides to use us as his or her personal garbage can. But when we learn to endure it for Gods glory He will make certain that we are cared for in a very special way. I’m not saying that there aren’t times when we need to learn to say no, because there are those times. But Jesus said, Matt 5:44-48


44 But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you,   45 that you may be sons of your Father in heaven; for He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust.  46 For if you love those who love you, what reward have you? Do not even the tax collectors do the same?  47 And if you greet your brethren only, what do you do more than others? Do not even the tax collectors do so?  48 Therefore you shall be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect.


It was Jesus who set the standard for us when He suffered and died for our sins. While I am between pulpit assignments I am working in a plant as a powder coater (similar to painting). There are days when everything seems to go well and there are no particular problems. Then there are days when it seems like I only have one nerve left and everyone is getting on it. It is these types of days that I have to go out to my pickup during break and turn on Christian music and say, “Jesus take me away”. Also I have to ask Him to strengthen me so that I remain a solid witness for His Kingdom. Well, life is full of choices. We can choose to be “Vessels of Honor” or vessels of destruction.


It was during the times of Christ that a process was developed that made it possible to take a vessel that had been cracked or punctured and restore it. They would take the vessel and break it down and then begin to make it over. It was a lot of work but it would take a cracked vessel and make it like new. It was placed on the Potters wheel and slowly turned until it was like new again. When it is applied to our lives we call this process, “GRACE” .  Father delights in taking a vessel that is one of dishonor and by the work of His Son at the cross making it into one of honor.