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Pastor Lynda MacDonald, Nova Scotia


Messianic Fellowship






In our area, we have a saying for people who seem different or eccentric acting –they are “nutty as a fruit cake”. Fruit cake recipes are always about ingredients for a special holiday cake. The fruit cake can be dark or light but it is always filled with fruit like cherries, raisins, apricots and oranges. Included are various nuts such as walnuts, pecans and almonds. The cake is very sweet and often sticky to hold but delicious in the mouth.


I would say that most people think I am “nutty as a fruit cake” because I live a Hebraic Roots lifestyle in my everyday walk with God. The church doesn’t know what to think of me and most of my Christian friends feel the same. Even some of my family shakes their heads at what I share with them.


I don’t celebrate Christmas or Easter although I love Jesus and am deeply grateful he came and that he died for my sins. I don’t go to church to worship on Sunday but I love to have Sabbath to spend time with Him. I love His Word but find it bewildering that other believers can’t see what I see- “God’s pattern is different than the one the church has”. I must seem “nutty as a fruit cake” to others.


When I was a kid we had an elderly neighbor who was weird. One Halloween (yes I once did celebrate it) a small group of us local kids went out getting treats from the neighborhood houses. This elderly lady was alone at the time (her son was not home from work yet) and she was giving out “treats”. I will never forget what we got. Betty Jean got crackers; I got a can of tomato soup and my brothers got other canned goods. It was funny! I bet her shelves were empty by the time her son got home that night. I think she really was “nutty as a fruit cake”.


I think that being “nutty as a fruit cake” for Yeshua (Jesus) in the spiritual sense is great. I need to be filled with the “fruit” of the Spirit. Instead of cherries and other fruit I want to be full of “love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness and faithfulness”. Galatians 5:22



According to verse 23 “Nothing in the Torah stands against such things”. Now- I am working on being more like these 7 things but it is a slow process. More like 3 steps forward and 2 steps back but I am moving ahead.


Love has to be unconditional; joy needs to be inside of me no matter what the outward circumstances; I need to live daily in peace with “the Prince of Peace” as my Savior; I must learn to practice patience with others- God is so patient with me; kindness must be alive in me no matter what happens; I need to live a “good” lifestyle – being clean inside and out so that the world sees an honorable representation of a believer and it is essential that I am a faith builder.


If this “fruitcake” is seriously striving so that the “fruit of the Spirit” is alive in me, others might be drawn to test and try what I have. It needs to look and taste good! And, it needs to be real.


The “nuts” add flavor and texture. I love nuts! I would sprinkle almonds, pecans, peanuts or walnuts liberally on a fruitcake. It makes the cake extra special. As a believer- one who represents Yeshua to a hurting world – I need to be flavorful and have some meatiness to me. I can’t be phony or double-minded or without depth. I must be real, sincere and honest. I need people to see that I have texture (structure). The world can spot a phony but can they be drawn to someone who really loves and lives for God? I hope so! That is the person I want to be.


Verse 25 of Galatians 5 reads like this-

“Since it is through the Spirit that we have Life, let it also be through the Spirit that we order our lives day by day.”



My Prayer:

“Father, I confess my own inability to show you through me. Please point out all the areas where I fail to reflect you.


Where I fall short of loving, being joyful, spreading peace, being patient, acting in kindness, walking holy, being faithful, being humble and having self-control, Heavenly Father, I give you permission to teach me these ways.


Remove everything that is contrary to your will and make me a vessel that is fit to carry your message of salvation to a wounded world.


I need your love and intimacy even though I am so weak in loving you back. Forgive me my sins although I don’t deserve to have them removed. I thank you for your Son, Yeshua- “salvation”, who makes this possible”