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In Memory of my Mother’s Promotion

To God’s Heavenly Office


Frances Luella



April 1928 - July 2009























- Heart-2-Heart –


Pastor Lynda MacDonald, Nova Scotia


Messianic Fellowship











"Whom Shall I Send and Who Will Go For Us?" - Isaiah 6:8 


lmB.jpgSeveral times in my life I have been in a situation where I stood in the minority in defense of a moral or ethical belief. It is a difficult place to be. The fear is that such a small amount of people –or even one- cannot make a difference. It seems that the old saying” the squeaky wheel gets the grease” is all too true. 


Madeline Murray O'Hara was only one person, remember what she did? She took the U.S. Government to task about prayer and Bible reading in schools and other public places and won. She was an atheist and did not believe in God. She was only one person but look what she did.


Look at Charles Darwin, who invented the theory that man evolved from monkeys. Today because of one man's theory our children are forced to learn about this theory in school, while learning nothing about God or the Bible.


I remember well in grade 10 debating my history teacher on Biblical issues. The class loved it as we got away from the so-called boring lesson but I stood alone when it came to standing firm that the Red Sea did part and that Yeshua (Jesus) miraculously multiplied the bread and fish that fed a multitude of people. The teacher tried to make me look foolish but God was merciful as He gave me words to rebut the teacher’s remarks. 


A few years ago, here in Canada, a law was being passed to make it legal for homosexuals and lesbians to marry (sad to say, it later passed). I was asked to lead a group of people who were against the law. A Canadian flag was given to me that had many signatures on it –supposed names of people who supported my position. I organized a very large group to add dozens of more names to the flag with the plan of having it go to our nation’s capital to represent Canadian citizens who opposed this law. It came to my notice that the flag had originally been used for another cause that fizzled out- thus the many names already on the flag. How did I find out? The national TV network CBC in investigating the story noticed on the flag the name of a person they knew was on the opposite side. They contacted the person and found out that the flag was “second hand” in its use. Up to the house they came and through an interview were satisfied that I was truly innocent of the scheme. They asked what I planned to do with the flag and I (swallowing my pride) said that I would go public with the truth but that my stand against the law stood. This opened the door for the CBC reporter to ask me if I was willing to go on national TV with my views on homosexuality. I gulped deeply but took my stand and against a fierce interview. God gave me the words to say. One person spoke and the entire nation heard. 


In the Bible, we read about such people who stood up for truth against odds. I think of Elijah who stood against the priests of Ba’al. He was sure that he was the “last man standing” for God but God showed him 7000 more people who had not bent their knee to evil. 


In Numbers 25, the grandson of Aaron – a man named Pinchas - grabbed a spear and killed Zimri, an Israelite who was among men who were committing adultery with Midianite women. Zimri brought Kozbi (a Midianite woman) right into his tent –to the inner chamber (bedroom). Pinchas speared them together with one blow- use your imagination as to how that was possible. 


The outcome was that God’s anger was stopped and a plague that was raging in the camp because of the sin was stopped. One man made a difference. 


In Isaiah 6:8, the question is asked “"Whom Shall I Send and Who Will Go For Us?" When I read this, I think of how it is in the singular. The question isn’t posed What group of people will stand up and act? it says “Who”. 


In Ezekiel 22:30-31, God said, “I sought for a man among them who could build a barricade or stand in the break to oppose me on behalf of the land, so that I would not destroy it; but I found no one. Therefore I am pouring out my fury on them, consuming them with the fire of my rage, bringing their own ways on their own heads,' says Adonai ELOHIM." 


How many times has God looked for one person who has a heart like He has? How many times has he looked for someone who “loves what He loves and hates what He hates?” How many times did He seek to put one person in a place to “bridge a gap”? How many times did He speak to you and me to act on his behalf and we either missed His voice or felt to small and insignificant to stand up and be counted for Him? Oh Sure!!! We could stand at the back of the crowd and agree but to stand out front or alone?? Not me!! 


Shaul (Paul) said it well in Romans 1:16, “For I am not ashamed of the Good News, since it is God's powerful means of bringing salvation to everyone who keeps on trusting, to the Jew especially, but equally to the Gentile.” 

Don’t be ashamed to stand – even if alone- for truth and Godly things. If you fail to stand up - you will stand ashamed before Him and you will stand alone.