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Author Luana McPherson, Washington State


   God is love. He freely loves us. As we walk with our Lord and draw closer to Him, we will be more like Him.


   Therefore, we are to love others as He loves us.


   How can we display His love to others? How can we give that love away?


   Be joyful, smile. A smile is infectious.


   Whether or not you see it, if you have discernment, you will recognize when another needs a soft word...  perhaps, of encouragement. Give it away.


   There are always opportunities to put your arm around one's shoulder. A big hug is always welcomed. Who doesn't love a hug? As you give it, you will receive it!


   Don't ever forget to say, "Thank you." in a loving way.


   Take the time to listen. HEAR what the person needs to say or talk about.


   Do something extra special for a loved one or your family. It doesn't have to be anything 'big'. Just something that will show your love for them in an 'extra' way.


   Invite someone from your church family, or your neighborhood to have lunch or coffee with you. Try to find one who is new, and may not feel 'a part of the family' yet.


   Invite someone to go to church with you!


   When you're out driving, allow that other driver to come into the lane in front of you. Slow down for that driver who's trying to get out of a parking lot, alley, or onto the street you're on.


   As you're looking for a parking space, and someone is backing out of a space--take the time, allowing that driver to back out. Should a driver take the parking space you wanted, don't get angry. Let them have that space.


   On the other hand, should someone do any of these things for you, give them a smile and motion a

   "Thank you!".


   Never miss an opportunity to say, "Excuse me" or "Thank you", with a genuine smile.


   Are you going out shopping? Do you know of someone who may need a ride, or may need you to pick

   something up for them? Just ask. If the need is there, humble yourself and meet that need.


   When someone comes to your mind, give them a phone call. Tell them you'd been thinking of them and wanted to say "Hello". Or, send them an email; or write a note to them and mail it (even though that is

   'old-fashioned' these days) because that person is in your thoughts and on your heart. Follow the

   prompting of the Holy Spirit.


   Give someone a compliment. That's always easy to do ~ in love. Always be sincere about it!


   When a need or opportunity presents itself, put your schedule 'on hold' . Pray with or for the person who is in need.


   When you learn about a situation involving an illness or perhaps a death in a family, express your care by preparing a dish or a meal and take it to the home...without being asked to do so.


   Do you know of a person in need of clothing, and is just your size? Give them something of yours...even if it's your 'favorite'.


   Here's a tough one. Are you angry or holding bitterness toward another? Find it in your hear to forgive them. Not just with words, but let it be sincerely from your heart. Not just with words, but make it a reality within you. We've been forgiven by our Father, amen? It is so necessary for us, in turn, to forgive. Humble yourself and do it!


   We need to look hard at the Bible's type of love.


     It's faithful.


     It's tender.


     It's aggressive.


     It's tenacious.


     It's forever.


     It's emotional.


     It's absolute.


     It's unimaginably sweet.


   Reach out to our Father, then reach to each other. Only then can we reach the world.


   God's beautiful family members are yearning to be loved. They're all around us. They are lonely. We all need that pat on the back, to be hugged, and laughter! We need to be cried with and counseled. They, too, want you, yourself. Nothing else will do!  Let them see Jesus, the One truly needed, in you!


   And, oh, my friend, isn't it wonderful to know that someday Jesus will say to us who are deserving, "Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me." -- Matt. 25:40 (NASB)


   Is it your desire to hear Him say, "Thank you! Well done! Enter into your rewards. You make Me so happy. Don't

   you understand now why, on My part, the cross was worth it all? Even the least of these saints are precious.


   I'm so full of joy! You identified with My sufferings; you were willing!


   Come. Let's go celebrate together..."


   Do you want to hear Jesus say these things to you?



   Keep on giving His love away!

 Luana McPherson