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Lynda MacDonald - AMAZING GRACE -


Lynda Mac Donald, Nova Scotia


The word grace is found over 166 times in the New Testament. The believer of today is taught that grace means “the unmerited favour of God”. Could it be that we are confusing this word “grace” with “mercy”?


Mercy is receiving from God things (His love, forgiveness, gifts, etc) that we do not deserve and not getting from God what we do deserve (condemnation, judgement, etc). These ways of God are acts of mercy. Because of His love we receive His mercy- unmerited favour.


Let’s look at scriptures that don’t make sense with this definition of grace.

Luke 2:40 (NAS), John 1:14, 1Peter 5:5


Jesus was perfect (1Peter 2:22) and never needed the “unmerited favour of God”.


Now take a risk at re-thinking what you thought grace is by using this definition:


 “Grace is-The empowering presence of God, enabling us to be what God created us to be and to do what   He called us to do.”


It is the power that allows you to fulfill God’s purpose in your life. Like the believers in Acts 4:33 (NAS), we can say “with great power..”


Notice that power and grace are twins. They appear together and work hand in hand.

Acts 11:21 (NIV) “The hand of the Lord was with them..”


Grace is the invisible power working in us giving results that we can see. Acts 14:3 NIV


Ephesians 4:4-7 (NAS) One body, one Spirit, one hope, one LORD, one trust, one immersion and one God BUT to each of us is given “grace to be apportioned”.

This scripture tells us that in almost everything we are together with the exception of grace. That is a personally- experienced thing.

His calling and purpose have to be centre-stage to accomplish the giving of grace.

John 1:16-17 (NAS) Grace is not just something God gives to us, it is God in us- his presence in us working to complete His purpose. There is never a need in your life that is beyond the power of God.


1Cor 1:4-7 (LB) God gives us, by grace, the power of speech and knowledge beyond what we naturally have. Why have gifts if there is no power to operate them?


The song “Amazing Grace” verse 2  “Through many dangers, toils and snares I have already come. ‘Tis grace that got me safe thus far and grace will lead me home.” Now that writer knew the truth about grace.


We constantly need grace in our daily life. Without grace, we don’t have a prayer of growing and doing effective things for God.  Why is it so important to teach believers about grace? Notice how many believers never seem to grow or make a mark in this life for God. There is no evidence of fruit that shows there is a healthy, spiritual life within.


Without the understanding of what grace is, there is no way to bear fruit. (Col 1:6) Anytime we meet a situation or need to big for us, we can cry out to God “Give me some grace. I need your grace!!!!!!!!”


We act in a humble attitude admitting our weakness and the need for help. It is when humbleness arises. God says clearly in 1 Peter 5:5-6 that God opposes the proud- the “I can do it all by myself” people, but gives grace to those who cry out for help.


Paul’s life


Paul is called “the apostle of grace” by early church fathers. Not that Paul gave grace to believers but that he taught them about it. The word was a revelation from God to Paul. The Gospel writers used it because the Gospels were written after Paul’s revelation- around 70-80 AD.


As a young believer, Paul cried out to God in hopeless defeat. In Romans 7:18-24 Paul said “What a miserable creature I am”. But, in Philippians 4:13 this same Paul confidently said, “ I can do all things through Him who gives me power”.


What happened to this man between Romans 7 and Philippians 4? He learned about grace!!!!!!! He experienced 2 Corinthians 12:7-10. God told him “My grace is enough for you..”(CJB) Paul pleaded with God to remove whatever the “thorn in his flesh” was but God left it there to keep Paul humble. Paul fought to overcome it on his own and lost. Finally the revelation hit him. He can use God’s power to fight and win!!!!! Hallelujah! This revelation changed Paul’s life and he turned the world upside down with it.


What is your life changing for God?


Other scriptures: Romans 5:20, Galatians 5:4, Ephesians 2:5-8 



Lynda Mac Donald