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Pastor Lynda MacDonald,

Nova Scotia, Canada










In John 3:1-7, the writer (John the Beloved) recorded an encounter with Yeshua (Jesus) by a teacher of the Torah (Law) named Nicodemus. He came in the night to Yeshua because it was not acceptable for a religious leader to have anything positive to do with the Messiah. His quest was to know how he could be sure about his eternal soul. He asks Yeshua in verse 4 “how can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter a second time into his mother's womb and be born?" Nicodemus was stuck on the idea of a natural birth –who wouldn’t be if they knew nothing about a spiritual one? Yeshua answered Nicodemus with these words that are filled with life, “"Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. Do not marvel that I said to you, 'You must be born again.'


Scripture is full of symbolic uses for birthing. We see the natural baby stages that move to maturing used over and over to teach us the “birth stages” in our spiritual growth.

I want to open up to you a fascinating teaching that I learned about 5 years ago through a wonderful messianic teacher –the late Zola Levitt.


In his book “The Feasts of the LORD”, he has a chapter called “unto us a child is born” (pages 21-31). In this chapter 2, he moves through the growth stages of a baby in its mother’s womb as it develops. He found a startling thing. The unborn baby grows and develops in exact timing with the 7 Feasts of the LORD (Passover, Unleavened Bread, First Fruits, Pentecost, Trumpets, Atonement, Tabernacles) and the Feast of Dedication that we call Chanukah.

I would like to share this amazing discovery with you in the hopes of “birthing a passion” in you for the Hebraic Roots level of Biblical study. This term is merely a way of searching for scriptural truth with the understanding of the land, language, culture and lifestyle of Israel as God planned it. I describe it as “instead of looking at a body of water at eye level, I look all the way to the bottom to see the whole picture”.


Let’s start with

Passover (Pesach) –

According to Leviticus 23:5 Passover is to be remembered on the 14th day of the first month. On this 14th day (according to pregnancy stages), the egg appears. Zola makes mention that at Pesach an egg is used as one of the symbols. In both events –Pesach and the appearance of the egg- the chance of new life is available.


Unleavened bread –

Lev 23:6 this feast occurs on the 15th day of the first month –the next day after Pesach.  Fertilization of the human egg must happen within 24 hrs or the egg will move on and leave the body.


First Fruits  -“the spring planting”, it occurs on the first day of the week (Sunday) that follows Pesach. It could be the day after or several days later according to when Pesach is held. The fertilized egg takes between 2 – 6 days to travel to the uterus to reside for the remainder of the time. The egg must be planted in order to grow.


Pentecost (Shavuot) – the harvest. Time is needed for the development of the seed that it would grow. It is 50 days after the First Fruits Feast. In regards to the “new little life inside the womb”, it takes 50 days to fully develop into the human fetus that comes from what was once the egg.


The next Feast does not occur for a long length of time –the fall season. It is

The Feast Of Trumpets. Trumpets always brings the image of “hearing –sounding”

For this amazing time of development for the new baby –months pass, as he/she needs time to continue the growth stages. In the 7th month, the baby begins to hear clearly. It responds to sound! In scripture, the trumpets will sound to announce the arrival of Yeshua, the king. We will hear the trumpets announce His return.


Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement -Redemption) – The day that blood needed to be shed to deal with our sins. When Yeshua comes back, He will deal with the sins of Israel (us included by adoption) as Zechariah 13:1 tells us “when that day comes, a spring will be opened up for the house of David and the people living in Jerusalem to cleanse them from sin and impurity.” During the months preceding this day, the baby has gone through much change, one of which is the readiness to move from the reliance on it’s mothers oxygen to when the baby’s own oxygen would be useable at birth. In the second week of the seventh month, on the 10th day (Yom Kippur this year is Oct 9th- the second week), this change in the baby’s system occurs. “The blood was accepted”!!! Halleluyah- the blood for our eternal life needed to be accepted. Hebrews 9:28 and 10:16 –18 re-emphasizes that too.


Feast of Tabernacles –Succot (John 1:14 “and the Word became flesh and tabernacled with us) This Feast represents the time that Yeshua will set up His throne here with us forever. The first day of the rest of eternity!! For the developing baby –the time has come that the baby can survive if born. (My insert –this was the “REAL” birth date of Yeshua)

Zola makes an exciting point. He says, “Tabernacles is the end of the feasts –the end of the road, the end of God’s plan, the beginning of the kingdom. The baby would live if born at Tabernacles time (speaking of the 9 + months of growth). The believer will live once he enters the kingdom.”


Now all of us who follow the Feasts of God know that there is still another event on God’s calendar called “the Feast of Dedication” (John 10:22). Does it fit into this pattern?

There is approximately 280 days for a normal pregnancy time. The miracle of Chanukah had to do with light. Chanukah happens at the exact time of the 280 days closure (an 8 day span of time). Birth occurs! This is the time that we could describe as the “day that another light came into the world –a miracle of a life that brings light”. Yeshua said to His own in Matthew 5:14, “you are light for the world.”


I did some checking through the Internet sites that assist new mothers who are looking for help as to the stages of development throughout pregnancy. The sites I checked were non-religious ones with no connection to Zola’s research. Everyone I looked at provided almost the exact stage-growth as he did. I was amazed but hey!!! Our God has perfect patterns. Why would He not use them over and over?


Our God is truly an awesome God.