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With Pastor Lynda MacDonald, Nova Scotia


Messianic Fellowship










LYNDA.jpgIn Mark 8:27-33 and Matthew 16:13-16, Peter has a conversation with Yeshua (Jesus). Yeshua was walking with his disciples through the area of Caesarea Philippi when Yeshua unexpectedly asked the disciples two questions, “who do men say that I am?” and “But you, who do you say that I am?”


Having visited Caesarea Philippi twice, I now can visualize much more to this story than the written words reveal. First, this area was also known as Panias. It was the site of worship grottos to the god Pan. As one visits this area, one sees caves and grottos still carved into the side of the hill as the mountain reveals the worship places of the ancient, idolatrous people who lived in the area.


At the time of Yeshua’s two questions, he and the disciples would have been gazing upward to where these hideous indentures were visible for all to see. Yeshua was more than just asking two simple questions. He was asking whom did the disciples really worship. Did they worship just another god or did they really know who he was?


Before I continue, I want to move to another visual of this area. High in the background of Caesarea Philippi is Mount Hermon. The name, Hermon, in Hebrew means, “devoted”. Mt Hermon is devoted to Israel and her people.


At 9233 ft., Mt Hermon (Sirion in the Phoenician language) is the highest mountain peak in all of Israel and stands majestically on the border between Israel and Syria. It is made of limestone and is snowcapped, even in summer. It is the main source of Israel’s drinking water. When the Golans were in Syrian hands prior to 1967, Syria tried unsuccessfully to stop the water from flowing to Israel. Mt. Hermon was “devoted” to Israel. Most of the snow, when melted, flowed through the limestone center of the mountain and literally bubbled out of the ground at Caesarea Philippi. As long as Israel controls this area of Caesarea Philippi, the Israelis will have water. The famous river –the Jordan- is also fed by the same water. God is also devoted to Israel.


So- back to our story of the two questions - Yeshua used this place, a place of spiritual division, to ask His questions. On one hand, idolatry reigned; but, on the other hand, God as creator of Mt Hermon reigned.


The first question was “ who are people saying the Son of Man is?” He was asking, “What is the gossip on the streets about Me? Who are they believing that I really am?” The reply was, “Some say John the Baptist, others Elijah, still others say Isaiah or one of the prophets.”


Yeshua asked a direct question to the disciples, “Who do you say that I am?”


I have thought about this question many times, especially while sitting at the spot where Mt. Hermon’s water erupts from the ground. I hear Yeshua say “Lynda, who do people you meet say that I am?” I have heard that he was divine but not deity (like the angels). I have heard others say, “he was a good man” and yet others remarked that he was a true prophet.


But, for me, I reply like Kefa (Peter),”You are the Anointed One (Messiah), the Son of the Living God.” Kefa was looking around at the reminders of dead gods and he saw a Living God standing next to him.


Yeshua’s reply to Kefa was “How blessed you are! For no human being revealed this to you, no, it was my Father in heaven.”


As you read this simple article, let me pose the same questions to you. Among the people you rub shoulders with daily, what do they say about Yeshua –who do they think He is?


And you – who do you say that He is? Now remember that even the Devil and his demons believe in Yeshua (that is, they know who He really is) and they tremble at that knowledge. James 2:19 You believe that "God is one"? Good for you! The demons believe it too - the thought makes them shudder with fear!”


So since the demonic beings are not believers yet believe there must be something else that we as believers have to answer this second question, “Who do you say that He is?” Is He mortal man like John the Baptist? Is He a great prophet like Elijah? OR Is He your LORD and Master –the One that you love and serve?


Philippians 1:21 says it all, “For to me, life is the Messiah...” Without Him as your LORD, you are really a walking dead person but with Him being your LORD and Saviour, you are more than a conqueror or as Shaul (Paul) says to the Roman believers in 8:37 “No, in all these things we are super conquerors, through the one (Yeshua) who has loved us.”




Caesarea Philippi (the grottos)





Water from Mt Hermon with the grottos in the background

Banias cave