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The First Church Was Jewish

Lynda MacDonald, Nova Scotia


 What we now call "The Church." is vastly different from what it was meant to be.

Jesus- the head of the church- was not a Christian – he was a Jew who practiced the religion of Judaism. Jesus’ disciples were all Jewish. The people who followed him and listened to his teachings were Jewish (except for a few gentiles).  He taught life lessons and kingdom lessons in a Jewish style and used Jewish idioms in his conversations.

Everything Jesus and his disciples (talmidim) did was from a Jewish viewpoint and from a Jewish culture. The many people who joined up with Jesus (Yeshua) to form the first “gathering of Jesus” were schooled in the Hebraic ways of ancient scriptures and practiced the Jewish traditions.

It surprises many believers today when faced with the truth that Jesus was Jewish. Many have a picture of Jesus being a no-nationality Messiah. God chose him to come to earth in a Jewish country, to a Jewish family and live a Jewish life. That was not a happenstance but a deliberate plan from the Father.

God chose that His Son would live his too short years ministering to a Jewish audience for Jesus said that He came to the “lost sheep of Israel”.

His death was on Jewish land and his burial was in a Jewish tomb owned by a Jew. When he returns it will be to the land of Israel to set up a throne in a Jewish city –Jerusalem- from where He will rule and reign. Hallelujah – another Jewish word that means, “Praise to Yehovah”.

The First Generation of Believers

 In the book of Acts, we see the growth of the early church under the leadership of Jews. These leaders who were taught by Jesus attended synagogue and studied the ancient Torah scriptures.

In Acts 1:15 “there were about 120”Jewish people and in 2:41 “about 3000 were added”. The family of believers grew daily (Acts2: 47) and by Acts 4:4 the congregation grew by another 5000 Jewish men.

From Acts 5:14, we see that throngs of believers joined the “Jesus group” and even a large crowd of Priests (Acts 6:7) accepted the message that Jesus was the Messiah.

This growing family of believers was still all Jewish, observing Jewish Feasts, Sabbaths and traditions of the Jewish faith. The difference was that they knew that their long-sought-after Messiah had come and freed them from the sting of sin.

Lets see where we are now- Acts 8:12, many men AND women were baptized into this new “family of God” and chapter 9:31 says that their numbers kept multiplying- all Jewish.

Aha! - Acts 10:45- the first Gentile –Cornelius accepts salvation along with many other people who were in his house and a new corner is turned. Salvation has come to the Gentiles.

What a perfect person to be the first Missionary to the Gentiles- this “God-fearer” who had such a divine visitation from The Most High. But no way, God picked a Jewish man- Saul of Tarsus, to bring the message of salvation to the Gentiles.

Now, do we see that the direction of God has shifted from the Jews to the Gentiles? Acts 14:1 says “ a large number of Jews and Greeks (Gentiles) came to trust...” so He was still adding Jews to the “church” and the leadership was totally in the hands of the ones that Jesus left in charge- a Jewish leadership.

Paul tells us in Romans 9:4 that” theirs (The Jews) is the adoption as sons: theirs the divine glory; the covenants; the receiving of the Law (Torah); the Temple worship and the promises; the patriarchs, and from them is traced the human ancestry of Jesus. Paul goes even further in chapter 15:27”For if the Gentiles have shared in the Jew’s spiritual blessings, they (Gentiles) owe it to the Jews to share with them their material blessings.” Since the church of today is a continuation of the one Paul spoke of- we Gentiles have a lot of changing to do to put the church back on the foundation God built.

 This People that God chose because He set His heart on them (Deut 7:7) was Jewish. The foundation that God set under the church was Jewish.

 The Redeemer for all mankind came in a Jewish body-so where is that foundation today?

Was it because of Israel’s sin that the church became “gentilized”? Paul says in Romans 11:11”did they (the Jews) stumble as to fall beyond recovery? Not at all! Rather because of their transgression, salvation has come to the Gentiles to make Israel envious.” He has a plan and it has never stopped being connected with Israel and her people. We as Gentiles need to rejoice that salvation was extended to us for it was “ to the Jews first”.

Another time we will look at what happened to change that foundation.

