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What In The World Is God Doing Today?

Lynda MacDonald, Nova Scotia


Amazing and exciting things are happening over the world in this hour among believers. Next door, the Jewish non-believers are also experiencing exciting events.

Believers waking up to a new day in Yeshua, a day filled with wondrous stirring to know the ancestral roots of their faith. This search takes them to the Jewish people and the Hebraic roots of the Bible. There, in the Bible, they find 66 Jewish books, Jewish prophets and kings, a Jewish Messiah born to Jewish parents who lived in a Jewish land and lived in a Jewish culture. How does it all fit into who we are and what we should be?

Since 1967, the hearts of many Jewish people have begun a search for who they are. Of course they know the normal knowledge of their ancestry, but who are they really? What is there about them that make them the target of so much hatred through so many ages in so many parts of the earth?

What they are discovering is that they are a “Holy” people. Not perfect, but “set apart” by The Most High for a special purpose. God desired to show himself to mankind to restore relationship lost by the fall of mankind. He chose a people- not because they were better or great- No! In spite of their human weakness, He chose to use them to work through and work with to teach man who He is and what He wants to do in partnership with them.

The Jewish people became the vessels and thus became enemy # 2 of Satan (God being #1).

Now since Satan can’t win a war with God, he knows that he can hurt God by hurting God’s kids. Who is the object of God’s affection? –The Jewish people. In Zechariah 2, we read that God says that hurting the Jewish people is like injuring God in the pupil of His eye”. Ouch!!! One of the most sensitive areas of the body. Even the smallest grain of sand in the eye is excruciating pain.

So- what is new? What is God doing that is unlike other times in past Biblical history? Well, one thing is that since 1967, there has been an upsurge of accepting Yeshua as their Messiah. Congregations of Jewish believers are being birthed all over the world.

In Israel today, within one branch of Messianic Judaism, there are 25 shuls (congregations). In a country that is compared in size to the state of Rhode Island, USA, or here in Canada, a little larger that Prince Edward Island, that is a miracle. There are several other branches of Messianic congregations, some big enough to be organized, others in home gatherings and many other who still meet in secret because of the persecution from the Orthodox communities there in Israel.

In Russian countries such as Belarus, many Jewish people are finding Yeshua to be the Messiah for whom they have been longing. I mention Belarus mainly because among many of the Jewish youth there, Yeshua has become HaMachiach (the Messiah) to them.

In Argentina, shuls are springing up as His Chosen find their way back to Him. A country where spiritual darkness once reigned among the Jewish community, the light of Yeshua has come.

Now, with this miracle in mind, we could say the Hebraic word “Dayenu” (it would have been enough) but that is not all that is stirring. Gentile believers are getting a hunger to know their spiritual ancestral roots, also.

This search has taken them (me included) back to the beginning of the faith. They are finding that there is a huge branch of the family out there that is older and wiser in the ways of the Most High. God calls them His “First born”.

 They are discovering that many Biblical passages that seemed to be contradictory were not so in the original Hebraic language. Also discovered was that the Gentile believing church was not the original plan of God but that He allowed the Gentile believers to be “adopted into” the Hebraic family.

Wow- we had it reversed. No wonder we kept dividing into more and more denominations as we searched for the perfect place in God. It was right there all the time- Jew and Gentile “One new man”. It wasn’t a new denomination we needed but a return to God’s plan of “one new family” that is a perfect blend.

It is estimated that there are over a million Jewish believers in Yeshua today. I found that number on an Orthodox Jewish web site where there was deep animosity toward the Messianic Jewish communities. I always believed that if the enemy used a statistic, one could trust that it was most likely higher. The reasoning is that the ones who oppose a thing try to make it lesser rather than greater.

God is causing people to search for spiritual purpose. Many believers are hungering to learn what they are “adopted into” and Jewish people are “being provoked to jealousy” (Romans 11:11) as they seek to know the truth of the Messiah.

Across the earth, this searching is growing and “the family” is coming back together. The reunion is happening. Did you get your invitation from the Most High? Will you be attending?

