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Yeshua -


Lynda Mac Donald, Nova Scotia


“And let them make Me a sanctuary; that I may dwell among them. According to all that I show thee, after the pattern of the tabernacle, and the pattern of all the instruments thereof, even so shall ye make it.” (Exodus 25:8)


We have been looking at the Tabernacle and how it is a shadow of Yeshua (Jesus).


In this article we will see the Tabernacle picture as it flows through the Book of John. John writes this gospel as if it were a walk through the place that God came to dwell in.


We have just come inside the Tabernacle through the only entrance called the “Way”. John, with great authority, declared that Yeshua called himself  “the Way”. (John 14:6)


John introduces us to the Messiah in chapter 1 as “the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world”. (John 1:29) A visit to the wilderness Tabernacle would bring us first to the brazen altar just inside the outer enclosure. We would not be able to get any closer to God without first dealing with the need for a sacrifice.


The act of sacrifice is step one in the Tabernacle and it is no accident that John fits it into the first chapter.


In the Tabernacle, the next place that we would need to go to was the laver- the place of cleansing.


In John 3:5, John leads us there next as Yeshua declares “ verily, verily, I say unto you, except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he can not enter into the kingdom (presence) of God.”


How important is this washing? John continues to walk us through a “washing” process (John 3:23) called “baptism (mikvah). This was not a brainstorm of John the Baptist but an ancient “God ordered” action. (Leviticus & Numbers)


The next “water” picture is in chapter 4 where Yeshua meets the Samaritan woman at the well and tells her that he can give her “living water”. In chapter 5, Yeshua pays a visit to the Pool of Bethesda. (John 5:2-9) This is a place that provides healing.


The next Tabernacle article that we would see is the Table of Showbread. John 6:48 describes Yeshua as the “Bread of Life”

He said” I am the Bread of Life…I am the Living Bread that came down out of Heaven. If any man eat of this bread, he shall live for ever.”


Next on our visit we would see the beautiful menorah- the light that shone in the Holy place.

Yeshua in John 8:12 said, “I am the light of the world. He that follows me shall not walk in darkness but shall have the light of life.”

In the following chapter (9:1-11), Yeshua goes on to heal the blind man giving him light where darkness once reigned.


From chapter 10 to17, Yeshua shows us that He is the Altar of Incense- the next item that we find in the Tabernacle. Hebrews 4: 14-15 tells us that He is our High Priest, ever making intercession on our behalf before the Father. Psalm 141:2; Rev 5:8; Rev 8:4


The Book of John proceeds with the arrest of Yeshua and then his death on the stake.


The Tabernacle layout takes us to the Holy of Holies from the Table of Incense. The Holy of Holies is where the very presence of God dwells. It is called the “Shekinah”. In the Holy of Holies we would find the Ark of the Covenant.


There was no seat for man in the presence of God. Here Jehovah alone sat on the throne of glory and righteousness. Yeshua, after his resurrection, was on the earth for 40 days after which He returned to the Father’s presence. In John 20:17, Yeshua said, “I ascent unto my Father, and your Father; And to my God, and your God.”


It is exciting to walk through the Gospel of John and see the development of the order of writing, as it is parallel with the plans of the Tabernacle. It seems to be John’s plan to show the importance of the order to which we have access to God.


 God set the plan firm for the Tabernacle. In chapters 25-27 of Exodus, we read 3 times how God warns the Israelites to “ obey His plans for every detail”. If we want to come into the presence of The Most High, we need to follow the same order- come through Yeshua, the “Only Way”, to the altar where His blood was given for us, baptized by the washing of water, into the light of His presence, made alive by Him who is the Bread of Life, offering up prayers (incense) to our Father and entering into his very Presence made available by the death of Yeshua, trusting in His covenant promise to us. 


The Veil has been removed! The Way to the Father is opened!


Mike Clayton, a wonderful teacher of The Tabernacle, says it this way, “When the pattern is right, the glory will fall.” (See


Do you want to feel His glory? Try coming through the pattern of the Tabernacle.


