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2007 to 2008

Marcus Straight, SW Washington


This article will loosely fit into the theme for January of 2008, and if you all will forgive the absence of articles from me as of late, I will continue with one of the biggest multi-faceted lessons I have learned this year.  God Loves to teach by example, and he loves to teach by experience, and… if you get the whole message and learn several things from one lesson, I am sure… as a son of a teacher … that it must truly delight Him to no end.  ME?  I am just glad I got it this year and not next.


The key issues this article is about are Trust; Obedience; and Surrender.

As I go along, see if you can catch on to these issues hidden inside the script.  I like to write as if I am talking to you and in story form, so why break tradition?


I have been very cognizant of the importance of tithing.  I spent many years without a home church and even though I did Tithe in both money and time I did not adhere to a strict regime of tithing.  Even through this, because I KNEW NO BETTER… God honored my sacrifice anyway and we were never left without and never wanted for anything.  Yes, I said Sacrifice. I have learned that tithes and offerings were a part of Praise and Worship and were offered up as a sacrifice.  This is what they have again become for me… and only recently.  So throughout my life God has always blessed my family without fail, and you would think, with all that proof… I would never forget or stray from the path right?  Well…. you know when things sometimes, or all the times get a little tight and you start stressing and worrying (disobedience) about finances?  And you well…. tell yourself, “Ok, I will pay my tithes next week… and that week never comes, until it’s the next month and now you owe  TWO months!!! Well… that happened to me… ME! Who had finally gotten the gist of tithing and figured I knew what HE wanted me to and how to do things.  Well!  Surprise, surprise when I woke up one day and realized… OK, I owe… yes OWE for two months tithes and offerings.  But! I am expecting a really big check from my employer…. Next week… So… I SPENT the Tithe money… thinking… ok... I am getting that check on Monday so I will pay up the tithing with that money.  Monday came and… no check… now not till next month.  I am in deep!  Then the enemy tells you that the Lady that counts the offering and logs it in KNOWS… well suffice it to say… It was not a nice or comfortable place to be.  However in true form, our gracious loving Father used it to teach me some things.  First; I did not trust Him.  Had I trusted him…? I would have paid my tithes when due and let HIM worry how HE was going to supply my needs according to HIS riches and Glory.  Second; Had I been obedient, I would not have gambled with HIS money and lost it. I was not being a good steward with the blessings he was giving us so HE let me mess with the budget and let me tell you… for being a bookkeeper, did I mess things up.  He let me drive my car out the Dollar-sign highway, peddle to the metal; knowing He would be hearing from soon… out in the middle of the desert, wondering where my next tank of gas was coming from. Want to know how bad it was?  We had no “Christmas”.  Not in the traditional sense.  We had to write a payday loan… and wound up paying 390% interest…(Now that is for sure from SATAN!)  and as I write this I have less than $40.00 in my pocket to last me way longer than it will….!  I had no Birthday, well it came and went… we were just too broke to pay attention!  No presents ‘neath the tree.  But I am very rich!  Because I learned valuable lessons that I will never forget.


   Give God what is HIS, When it is HIS> with a willing and joyful                     heart happy to be chosen to enter his courts with thanks-       giving and praise.  TRUST that HE will meet all your needs.  BE OBEDIENT TO CAST YOUR CARES UPON HIM.  PRESS INTO HIM AND LET Him be you guide.  Surrender your will to HIS.


The enemy may think he won the battle… but he didn’t…. ‘cuzwhen I do get that check…(and I know now, if I had gotten it when I thought I was going to….I would not have learned this valuable lesson)… I am going to pay ALL my back tithes… even if it takes the entire check.  the last 10 days were grueling…. but I would not change a thing if I had to do it all over again.  God is Good, people…you just have to let him!


I urge everyone who reads this to examine your “policy” on tithing.  Go to HIS word and research it.  I challenge all of you to be diligent and joyful in your tithing in 2008.  It may just be the most blessed and abundant year of your life.


In Christ’s Love,

Marcus Straight






















































