This Little Light o' Mine
Marcus Straight, SW Washington
♫♫This little light of mine ♪♪♪ I’m gonna let it shine ♪ ♫… we all know the children’s Sunday school song right? How many of us have sung that very song and not paid attention to what we were singing? I have…. Many times and actually until recently, I used to sing a lot of little songs not really paying attention to what I was sing-“say”-ing.
We grow up getting “programmed” to sing this or say that prayer because it is what has always been done. We seldom listen to and understand what we are actually saying… and this can be serious if we are supposed to be doing it to God, does he take us seriously?
What little light do I have? What is it? It’s the spirit of God resting in my heart. How do I let it shine? By what comes out of my mouth and my actions. “Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaketh…” If my heart is filled with the light of Jesus then that is what will come out when I am letting my little light shine. Some of us have great big spotlight lights…don’t you want one of those? The same kind that you see at a Hollywood movie premiere? The kind that cuts through all the clouds and even the dense fog that can be seen from far away. That is the kind of light I want. A light that burns so bright for my Jesus that everyone can see it. So there is no mistake or questions about who lives in my heart and lightens up even the darkest night. The way to get that is to have a daily personal relationship with your heavenly Father. That means spending time with him in prayer, time in His word, time in worship and praise.
There is no other way to shine like that spotlight for Jesus without spending time with Him. He wants to spend time you us, that is why He created us. He loves us and when we don’t spend time with us, He misses us. I know I miss Him in my life when I have been too busy, or distracted with life to give Him his due…
But our God is such a loving God, by His grace he forgives us and calls us his children.
So how can we not want to share the light of Jesus with a world full of despair that is dying? Make a commitment today, that your witness will be strong, one of integrity and purpose. Start each new day in communion with your Father and set out ready to be used by the Father to spread the light of His son to the hearts that so desperately need it. That is our commission, to share the light of Christ with the world. If not you, then who? And if not now, when? Praise God!