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Nancy Bauer - "EVEN AN ANT KNOWS..." -


Nancy Bauer, Washington




Even an Ant Knows the Right Choice


   God gave us freedom...Freedom to choose right from wrong. God gave us this choice from the time of creation to the present day. Some just can't figure out HOW to use freedom  if choice...some force the issue...some think they know more than God...   Here's a simple story to explain...


"The Tower of Babel" as told by Amos Ant:

   This is the true Bible story of the "
Tower of Babel", told by an ant
named Amos. It's told from an ant's point of view... IF an ant could have told the story.

  Once, long, LONG ago, Amos ant was helping his ant colony build their
winter ant hill. This was something that God had given them the "instinct" to do. They just KNEW what twig went where and what each ant's job was. They didn't need to talk to each other about how or what to do...they just KNEW. AND they didn't have a choice!
   As Amos was bringing a rather large twig to "just-the-right" spot on the ant hill, he noticed many humans mixing mud and making bricks...HUGE bricks...huge BLOCKS!
   These humans all spoke the same words, the same language. They all understood each other.
   Amos heard these men speak to each other in a way that shocked him. "Nah..we don't need God to get to heaven! We'll get there by ourselves! We're just as great as God...maybe greater! When we get this tower built clear to heaven...then ALL will know we ARE greater than God!"  So, day after day, as Amos and his colony continued to build their ant hill, the humans continued to build their tower to heaven.

   After many months, Amos said to himself, " THERE! The last twig! The ant hill is just the right size for all of the colony. We built it together, and now we know it's time to stop. Thank You God for helping us to know how to build our ant hill!" Hurrying out to find food for the winter, Amos notices that the human's tower was half finished. The men were directing each other on where to put those huge blocks to make it taller. "To the right Charlie! A little higher! Yah...we'll be touching heaven in NO time! You can just call me "GOD"!" the man said, thumping himself on the chest.    But, just as the man was about to direct where to put The next huge block...something happened! "Goota ma poi!" one man said as he pointed and stomped his foot. "Patcha pan hoo!" said another man, shaking his head and looking befuddled.

  As Amos watched, all the men started yelling at each other....IN DIFFERENT  LANGUAGES! No one understood what the other man was saying! Confused and all mixed up, they were babbling! They were babbling AND trying to build a tower..."The Tower of

   God had stepped in to STOP THEIR WRONG CHOICES! To stop them from trying to be greater than He impossible task, and one that would doom them forever.
   The huge blocks started to be put in the wrong places... no one could understand the directions... no one knew where to put the blocks. They were confused...they didn't have Amos' build in "instinct" from God...

   At this point, Amos was GLAD HE didn't have choices to make. He was THANKFUL that God gave him "instinct' and not choices of right and wrong!
   "See Amos!" Amos heard God say. "They thought they were greater than ME! They thought they could get to heaven without ME! But they can only get there by making the right choices...choosing to get to heaven THROUGH ME! I had to confuse let them now they aren't God, to take away their pride...and to show them they need to make the right
   "I gave them different languages. Now they KNOW there is only one CHOICE...ME!"

  "WE know that!" Amos thought. "We knew we can only do what you let us do...and NO MORE! No one is greater than out Creator...God!"

   And so, the "Tower of Babel" was never finished. The men, in their confusion, divided into groups that understood each other...all that had the same language. The people who spoke The language went one way. The people who spoke another language went another way.

   And so that is how and why God gave us different languages. To let us know He is God and that WE can NEVER be God! We have to make the CHOICE to KNOW that God is the one and ONLY God!   "How do humans get to heaven?" Amos asks. "Not by a tower, that's for sure! Even we ants know that! ONLY with RIGHT choices and THROUGH GOD! There's no other way!"


So, Amos had it right! Only THROUGH GOD, by RIGHT CHOICES, can we get to heaven...FREEDOM TO CHOOSE!

Nancy "UMMA" Bauer