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Nancy Bauer's - "WHISPERS FROM HEAVEN" - - BIBLE STUDIES & Strombolis-Magazine Title: “LOVING…


Nancy Bauer, of Washington


I married into a family of different personalities!

There’s Joan, who is a classy woman of this day! She’s wise, though she doesn’t seem to know it. In a classy, thoughtful way, she always speaks her mind. And I love her anyway.

There’s cranky Uncle Joe. He speaks his mind, too…whether you want to hear it or not. Sometimes it comes out hurtful. But, he gives and loves to the maz! Cranky or not, I love him anyway!

There’s Cathy, who is gorgeous inside and out! Beautiful as she is, she is still concerned about what others think of her. A little naive and yet so wise, I learn a lot from her! I’ll love her always and anyway!

There’s spoiled Jack…an adult who grew up in a “servant minded” family. THEY serve JACK! Full of hugs and adventure, spoiled or not…I love him anyway!

And there’s Sue. Sue has happiness problems….finding happiness is her problem. And when she’s not happy, we all know it! But when she IS satisfied, she also shares her satisfaction and joy. I love her for that and I love her anyway!

And finally there’s Pete. Pete, no matter how much he has, it’s not enough. Thinking he’s poverty stricken, he puts on the “poverty-man’s clothes” …convincing all, that he IS poverty stricken! BUT HE’S NOT! This man is richer than most, with a loving, caring family and many friends to boot! Pete may think he’s poor, but I’ve never seen a more giving, helpful “poor-person” in my life! Poor man? ...NAH…I love him a lot, and anyway!

Family! There is no way around them! You can’t get away from them because you’re related by blood! You HAVE to love them ANYWAY!

My family is all of YOU! And no matter what, I’ll love you ANYWAY! Whether you’re wise or spoiled, poor or beautiful, cranky or classy…I can’t get away from you! I married into this family when I became the bride of Christ…the day I accepted Him as my Lord and Master, YOU BECAME MY FAMILYWe ALL have the same Daddy! And like my Husband/Master, I’ll love you…NO MATTER WHAT! We’re related, and guess what? I’M YOUR RELATIVE, too….in the blood of Christ! You can’t get rid of ME! So ,,,PLEEEEEEESE love me! LOVE ME ANYWAY!

Your sister…NO MATTER WHAT!

Nancy “UMMA” Bauer