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Nancy Bauer - "NAME ON THE CHALK BOARD?" - - BIBLE STUDIES & Strombolis-Magazine


"Is YOUR name on the board?"
Nancy Bauer, SW Washington


          Proverbs 9:10
   "The reverent and worshipful fear of the Lord is the beginning (the chief and choice part) of WISDOM, and knowledge of the Holy One is insight and understanding."

   Ok...Who doesn't want WISDOM? Who doesn't want an easier way to get through being wise and getting "it" right the first time?

   Searching for the answers to what WISDOM is and how to get it...I went to one of my intellectual six year old granddaughter, Terra.

   She says WISDOM is "being smart" and "telling people what to do to help them."  And HOW do you get WISDOM?

   Well, according to Terra to acquire WISDOM "you be a very good boy or girl in class". And if you AREN'T good, you "get your name written on the board."

   So WISDOM is being smart. And according to Solomon in the previous verse,
"fear of the Lord is the beginning of WISDOM,"...or being smart... sorta like my granddaughter's fear of the teacher writing her name on the board.

Fear of the teacher, commands respect for her. She MAY write your name on the board.

   Now isn't that the same as reverence?

   So if we have reverence and respect for God (like the fear of our name being written on the board) won't we become wiser because we know He's the Creator and give Him what's due to Him?

   When we respect Him more, we grow in WISDOM.

   Solomon and Job searched for WISDOM, too. They both came up with the same 'how-to-find-wisdom' plan...FEAR OF GOD!

   They weren't talking about the "haunted house" kind of fear. They were talking about the
"president-of-the-United-States-walks-into-your-house" kind of fear....but BIGGER!

   God deserves our respect and our awe! He LOVES those things!

   The more we show our respect to Him, the more wisdom, knowledge, insight and understanding He reveals to us, because we know and acknowledge who is in control...GOD! We give HIM credit!

   So, I hope you all have fear of God writing YOUR name on the board! We could use a lot more WISDOM in this world, don't you think?

   So PLEASE, start teaching your children young on the respect of the Creator and His house! With out our kids knowing the FEAR OF GOD, how will WISDOM continue?

Hiding the teacher's chalk,
Nancy "UMMA" Bauer