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Nancy Bauer's - "WHISPERS FROM HEAVEN" - - BIBLE STUDIES & Strombolis-Magazine


Whispers from Heaven

Nancy Bauer, Washington





nancy8.jpg   Saturday was bath night for our family, followed by church every Sunday. Mom would load us kids into the car and we traveled the fifteen minutes it took to get there. After church we’d always meet our dad back at the house. Very rarely did my dad go to church with us. It wasn’t a family affair.


   Sound typical? If a family goes to church, it is usually fatherless. Statistics show that most churches are full of the female persuasion.


   What if that changed? What if men dominated the church? What if they were the ones that made sure the whole family were loaded into the car and on time for church? Isn’t that what the Bible teaches?


   No, the Bible DOESN’T say, “Daddies, thou shalt be in charge-eth of taking-eth your family-eth to church-eth.”

But it DOES say:


Proverbs 22:6  Teach children how they should live, and they will remember it all their life.




Deuteronomy 11:19  Teach them (God’s ways/laws) to your children. Talk about them when you are at home and when you are away, when you are resting and when you are working.




Deuteronomy 4:10  …… 'Assemble the people. I want them to hear what I have to say, so that they will learn to obey me as long as they live and so that they will teach their children to do the same.'


   So, if the daddies were the head Believers, what would change?



This change would include everything from elementary school tardiness, to the present financial crisis that has crossed the globe. The changes for our country would be “you-can-take-it-to-the-bank-honesty”, (a little pun there), along with rock solid morality. Our country would be trusted, and our people would be known for our reliability.   And all because daddies obeyed The Heavenly Father!


   Daddies would have taught their children, from the day they were born, moral disciplines, right from wrong, conscience, and how to be loving, compassionate, and giving…all teachings that come from God’s Word. Children would grow into honest adults with giving caring characters.

And all because daddies obeyed The Heavenly Father!


    Ephesians 6:4  And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but nurture them in the chastening and admonition of the Lord.


   The growth of God’s Kingdom depends on children. And those children, either babes in Christ or babes in arms, need to be raised up in the Truth…the Truth that comes from God’s Word and the Holy Spirit. THAT’S where the daddies of today come in. They are to teach not only the little ones, but the little ones in Christ.


Act 3:25  Ye are the children of the prophets, and of the covenant which God made with our fathers, saying to Abraham, And in thy seed shall all the kindreds of the earth be blessed…


   This is how we are blessed by our daddies. By the earthly fathers obeying THE HEAVENLY FATHER, all “kindreds of the earth” will be blessed.


Want your kids, and your kids’ kids to forever reign in God’s Kingdom?  Then take the following advice and PASS IT ON…..Psa 132:12  If thy children keep My covenant and My testimony that I shall teach them, their children also for ever shall sit upon thy throne.'


      So, please, “GET BUSY DADDY’S”! Our kingdom needs watering and fertilizing! THEN WATCH THE KINGDOM GROW! And watch the EARTH BE BLESSED! Because you’ve obeyed YOUR FATHER!



