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Nancy Bauer - "Dalila's Faith" - - BIBLES STUDIES & Strombolis

Dalila's Faith

Nancy Bauer, Washington

   "Let the children come to Me. Don't stop them! For the Kingdom of God
belongs to such as these. I assure you, anyone who doesn't have their
kind of faith will never get into the
Kingdom of God."

Mark 10:14,15 (NLT)

   My son and his six year old, blue eyed, blonde daughter, got into a discussion one day on religion. This is how I imagined the conversation went:

DALILA: "Daddy, is our whole family going to heaven?"
DADDY: "I hope so! But, it seems each of us believe differently."
DALILA: " How, Daddy?"
DADDY: " Well, one family believes that there's Someone controlling all of earth. Someone bigger than earth...maybe God, maybe not. They believe there is a heaven."
   "Another family believes that
Jesus was sent by God from heaven. Jesus died for man's sins. People just need to ask for His forgiveness of their sins, and believe in Him. Then they will go to heaven."
   "And another family doesn't believe there is a God at all. So they don't believe that there is a heaven at all, either."
   At this point, according to my son, Dalila burst into tears. She wasn't sad that this one family didn't believe there was a heaven. She was sad because she WANTED them to GO to heaven.
   How does a child, just six years old, KNOW there's a God? How does she KNOW there's a heaven?
   Child-like faith!
   None of the corruption of this world has yet corroded her pure little heart. She just KNOWS...that's child-like faith!
   If we reach down into our hearts, we KNOW, too, that God exists...and is alive today! The child in us KNOWS that God lives in US! With child-like faith, we breathe the very air God created. With child-like faith we see with the eyes He gave us...and what we see is the very world He created for us...and how gorgeous it is, each minuet thing
working like clockwork.
   With child-like faith I, myself, believe heaven exists! How could there not be a heaven? God said it, and so I KNOW it's true!
   Let's have Dalila's faith! Let's ALL use our child-like faith to get to God's heaven! Clouds for pillows and streets of pure gold await us!

   See ya there!

   Nancy "UMMA" Bauer