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Nancy Bauer's - "WHISPERS FROM HEAVEN" - - BIBLE STUDIES & Strombolis-Magazine


Whispers From Heaven


Nancy Bauer, Washington State




2 SAMUEL 6:12-15 (Good News Bible)  King David heard that because of the Covenant Box the LORD had blessed Obed Edom's family and all that he had; so he got the Covenant Box from Obed's house to take it to Jerusalem with a great celebration.


2Sa 6:13  After the men carrying the Covenant Box had gone six steps, David had them stop while he offered the LORD a sacrifice of a bull and a fattened calf.


2Sa 6:14  David, wearing only a linen cloth around his waist, danced with all his might to honor the LORD.


2Sa 6:15 And so he and all the Israelites took the Covenant Box up to Jerusalem with shouts of joy and the sound of trumpets.




                                       David’s Dance


nancy.jpg   David “danced before the Lord with ALL HIS MIGHT!”


   I can actually see David’s performance of human whirlpools as I meditate on these words.


   His feet drum as they pound to the beat of his companionate heart for his God. His hands make acclaims as they perform in theater what God taught him in battle. His voice is raised in melodious jubilation and with harmonies of praise. His laughter erupts with freedom in abandonment.



David dances hallelujah!


      My spirit takes over, my imagination expands. I can now envision the details of his dance. David’s aspirations and motivation to dance become clear.


   As David youthfully revolves about, his spirit brings recollection of when, as a boy in the fields of his father’s flocks, he had been in seclusion with God. In this realm, teaming with flora and fauna, David learns that the beauty of life comes from God to the spirit of man. The intimacy David develops with God brings a renewal of life itself.


   The nostalgia of God’s compassionate intimacy found in those emerald hills and valleys elevate David, once more. Now, he creates a jubilant human whirlpool for Elohim, the Creator of Heaven and Earth.


    David reflects on the boldness God has given him. His hands play tribute in their applause, as they recall the direction they had     received from God to smite the giant, Goliath.


    Removing all apprehension, God has injected him with a courage he has never known. Together they have defeated the undefeatable Goliath. They have eradicated Goliath through David’s hands, and by God’s sovereign will.


    David’s hands reenact that victorious day, as they remember the feel of the sling and the stone. Hands work in harmony with fingers as they gesture in gratitude to Jehovah-Nissi, Our Victory.


    Emancipated feet stomp and tramp. They motivate David to recall, with appreciation, how God his Protector, has defeated a multiple of Israel’s enemies. God is forever with His people to liberate them and to tramp evil out of the way of His will.


    David’s feet do a stampede as they reawaken the memory of victories. On their own accord, his feet satisfy their desire to worship Jehovah-Shammah, the One Who Will Never Leave or Forsake Us.


     Lifting his voice in melodious song, David sings praises to his King. He is returning the gift of song to the One who gifted it to him, using it as it was meant to be used; a praise to El-Elyon, The Most High God.


    As a boy, David had practiced melodies and wrote of his love for his God in song. David’s ballads of adoration and esteem to his Beloved Companion now cause God to joy in dance. This is the fellowship God forever longs for in His creation of man.


    David adds his melodious praise to the merrymaking in the waltz of acclaim to El-Elyon.


    With true abandonment, David throws his head back. A mighty shout ruptures, followed by a purely uninhibited peal of laughter. Freedom of the spirit resonates through every cell in his body. Jubilee illuminates him as he celebrates the liberation of his very soul. Once again, God is personally bringing joy and mirth to His people.

   David’s laughter brings buoyancy to his feet. Weightlessly his body moves, unfettered and unhindered by gravity. Elohim, The Creator, hovers over David, knowing He brings bliss to His companion.


     David’s Friend and Ally now resides in the City of David. God’s very habitancy blesses them, shows His love for them, and shields them. All of God’s chosen people now have the ability to praise and worship God in Jerusalem, The City of David.


   The Ark of The Covenant of God’s Presence has arrived!


       And so, David danced. 



Nancy UMMA Bauer