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BIBLE STUDY with NANCY BAUER @ - home of Strombolis eZine

"Who is the Example?"

Nancy Bauer, Washington



"Be examples to your kids!"  We hear this, as parents, all the time; but wait a minute......take a REAL look at those little bundles of energy. Didn't God tell US to be like THEM?!............


   "Unless you become like little children, you can never enter the KINGDOM OF HEAVEN" Matthew 18:3


   An infant TRUSTS its mother to feed, bathe, and change it's diaper. He totally TRUSTS that mama will meet his needs. Shouldn't WE TRUST GOD for all our needs?


   A child holds out his arms for mama when she comes to pick him up from daycare. That chubby-armed hug lets her know how much he MISSES and LOVES her. Do WE wrap OUR arms around God's neck and tell Him how much we've MISSED AND LOVE HIM, when we haven't been with Him for awhile?


A child stretches out his arms in FAITH, ready for Mama to catch him when he jumps from his bed. Do WE jump, with FAITH, into God's waiting arms?


"Read it again, Mama!" he says when you've finished reading "Peter Pan" to him for the 10,000 time. He's ready to stretch his dreams to "Never-Never Land".  Do WE go to God with OUR DREAMS? He told us to just ASK Him, and it will be done for us.


"Kitty, funny!' he says while pulling the cat's tail. Life hasn't yet taught him FEAR of being scratched. He's FEARLESS! Are we afraid of what we've learned through life's experiences? God wants OUR FEARS back!  He wants us to live FEARLESSLY, like a child, walking in total faith, knowing He'll take care of us no matter what!


You make a face, He makes a face. You stir your cereal, He stirs his cereal. He is IMITATING you, following YOUR EXAMPLE. Your child is teaching you to be an EXAMPLE for him. Should we give him the BEST EXAMPLE? The EXAMPLE OF SEEING JESUS THROUGH US?


He falls down, crawls, and stands again; only to fall once more. He's PRACTICING, he’s learning to walk - but not before falling many times. He's showing us that PATIENT PRACTICE yields results. God want us to PATIENTLY PRACTICE our walk with Him until it becomes easier.


A dog barks. He runs to you. "Pick me up, Mama!" You pick him up and he is "safe". That big dog now looks smaller to him. He's now brave again in Mama's arms. Do we ask God to "PICK US UP" and "MAKE US BRAVE" when we are in trouble? Our troubles are so much smaller in God's strong, safe arms.


See, there is so much to learn from out kids! Trust, love, faith, fulfilled dreams, fearlessness, patient practice and asking to be "picked up" above our troubles. NO WONDER JESUS SAID TO "BE LIKE KIDS"!


They are OUR examples! Watch them closely and learn from GOD'S LITTLE



Watching and learning from my grandkids,

Nancy "UMMA" Bauer