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Whispers From Heaven


Author Nancy Bauer, Washington





nancB.jpg   Even before He entered, the fragrances enticed Him. Sweet floral and citrus perfumes lured Him toward the opening.


 The access to this secret place, hidden among thick foliage, revealed itself by the light that emanated from the opening. He was drawn by what He knew He would find there; enticed, still more, by the unknown mystery that surrounded this captivating place.


   Passing under the vine draped archway, warmth kissed His cheeks with a gentle caress. Not a physical heat, this warmth came from spiritual passion. Love radiated throughout this place, soaking every pore of His body and Spirit. He ached to find the source of its passion. 


 The sound of various bird-songs mingled with gentle breezes among the tree branches, the bubbling of a brook, the rushing water of the water fall. Sweet sounds of this captivating place kept Him searching for what else He could find here. 


 Vivid reds, soothing blues, glorious gold and yellows; hues of every color mingled throughout the garden. The greens of growth wove among the foliage, creating contrast to each flower and shrub. Each flower, each tree and bush, thrived on what the other would give. Compassion grew everywhere.


   A cascading waterfall filled a crystal pool of deep greenish blue water. A gentle stream left its source, the pool, in order to touch each plant with its life giving liquid. Life pulsed through the little stream, bringing more life wherever it went. It whispered, “Love, life, growth” as it flowed over rocks and pebbles. This was the source of life in the garden; the Holy Spirit and a pure heart.


   He knew you were here. He knew you prepared this place for Him. He searches for you. He longs to be with you in this place. His love grows; wanting to hold you, wanting to draw closer to you.


   This is the Garden of Eden we create as our Secret Garden; our secret place to share with our Bride Groom, Jesus. This once forbidden place can be recreated. It is our place of intimacy with our Lord. It is the Garden of Eden that is now in our heart and spirit; the place of passion between us and our Jesus.


   Dear lover and friend, you're a secret garden,

   a private and pure fountain.

Body and soul, you are paradise,

   a whole orchard of succulent fruits—

Ripe apricots and peaches,

   oranges and pears;

Nut trees and cinnamon,

   and all scented woods;

Mint and lavender,

   and all herbs aromatic;

A garden fountain, sparkling and splashing,

   fed by spring waters from the Lebanon mountains.

Come, be intimate with Me.

With all my love,



(Song of Songs 4:12-15 Message…italic written by me)


   The One you have fallen in love with has written you this love letter. He tells you that you are perfect and alluring. He wants to be with you in intimacy. He craves every part of you.

   How could you resist…WHY should you resist? You love Him.

   This is the desire of God’s heart. He created us for Himself. We were created by Him with a hole in our heart; a lacking of ‘something’ that only He can fill within this intimacy.

   The Garden of Eden was created for man and God to dwell together; a place of affection.


        Genesis 2:8  And the LORD God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed.


   Think about this….God’s dwelling place now, isn’t the Garden of Eden;  it isn’t the Tabernacle of David; it isn’t the great temple of Solomon; it isn’t the Tabernacle of David; it isn’t Herod’s Temple….it’s our heart and spirit; our quiet listening to Him; our intimate ‘one on one’ time we set aside for just Him. THAT is the Garden of Eden we create for our intimacy with Him. It’s within us.


     I want to go there…I want to plant the Garden of Eden within my heart. I want to lure my Bride Groom to me. I want intimacy with Him. I choose to ‘plant’ inside of me EXACTLY what He desires.


     I choose the Garden of INTIMACY with my Jesus!