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Whispers From Heaven


Author Nancy Bauer, Washington





   I want to tell you a personal story.


nancB.jpg   I started working at a food bank 5 years ago, thinking that I could help the community. Having watched “Extreme Makeover” on ABC, I loved the emotions that arose in me with the idea of actually helping someone in a life changing way. I loved the feeling I got from watching this kind of kindness. A longing to help others in that way grew inside of me; to feel that I could make that kind of difference in this world.


   I started working at the food bank knowing that I had much to give in serving and in caring; wanting to bring hope to those who needed it most. I felt a need to let them know that someone cared about them personally and not just in feeding their hungry tummies.


   What I didn’t realize is how much they would give to me. I didn’t think about how they would enrich MY life. They have shown me how much they care for me and have given ME joy.


   About a month ago the labor and stress that comes with working at a food bank at times, became so much on me that I was going to quit. I was at the point of walking out. But the idea of losing the joy they bring to me on a weekly basis, I couldn’t do it. I knew I needed them. I needed them more than they needed me. The situation made me pay attention to what God was giving me…joy.


   I’ve found that I love these people who come to the food bank so much that the work and stress are worth it…I need to stay close to them and to feel their love for me; for God’s love comes through them to me. They have enriched my life more than they know and they have given me so much joy.  


    It seems that the Bible has told us this all along…that when we give, it comes back to us bigger than we give out:  


   “Give to others, and God will give to you. Indeed, you will receive a full measure, a generous helping, poured into your hands---all that you can hold. The measure you use for others is the one that God will use for you.” Luke 6: 38 (GNB) 


   God gave me a message for these people.

He told me to tell them: They should each give, in the way that they have decided, not with regret or out of a sense of duty; for God loves the one who gives gladly.


    That God is able to give them more than they need, so that they will always have all they need for themselves and more than enough for anything they need.


  He will always make them rich enough to be generous at all times, so that many will thank God for their gifts.


  For this service they perform, this giving, not only meets the needs of God's people, but also produces an outpouring of gratitude and thanksgiving to God.


  And because of the proof of God giving to them so much, they have enough to give to others and many will give glory the God; proof of God in them by their generosity to others.    


   “And so with deep affection, those they have given to will pray for them because of the extraordinary grace God has shown to them. Let us thank God for his priceless gift!”

(2 Corinthians 9:7-15)




Because of them my joy has exploded; God uses them as a way to show His love to Me and bring me joy. Because of them I give thanksgiving to my God! Isn’t it amazing how He does that?


   It’s a circle; a wonderful loop of God’s love, joy and generosity.

1.     He put His desire in me to find joy in giving to others;

2.     Those I gave to turned around and returned the love and joy to me,

3.     Which turns it back to God, Himself in praise, worship, thanksgiving and rejoicing in Him.


What an All Knowing God! We were created to worship Him…and this is the example of how He shows us HIS WAYS to do that!


     The circle of joy….Starts with God and ends with God…

     I praise God that He includes us in His circle. What a God we have!

