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BIBLE STUDY with NANCY BAUER @ - home of Strombolis eZine


Whispers From Heaven


Nancy Bauer, Washington









JOKE:  AT Sunday school they were teaching how God created everything, including human beings.


    Little Johnny seemed especially intent when they told him how Eve was created out of one of Adam's ribs.


Later in the week his mother noticed him lying down as though he were ill, and said, "Johnny what is the matter?"


Little Johnny responded, "I have a pain in my side. I think I'm going to have a wife."                                           []                      



   God has a sense of humor.  I can attest to this, being that He created my husband. And for an extra “hoot”, God created the cartoon, “Sponge Bob” to annoy my husband.


   When my granddaughter was told she was the daughter of Abraham, she piped up with, “How can I be? My last name isn’t Lincoln!”


   The Bible says we are created in His image (Gen 1:26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness….) and since we are created like Him, we have His humor.


   An example of His humor is in Judges Chapter 3, where it tells the story of Israel’s oppression from the oversized…ok, obese, king Eglon. This rather large king made Israel pay a kind of tax to acknowledge that his country ruled over them. Sorta like the school “lunch room bully” who takes the weak kid’s lunch money.


   Israel had had enough of this bullying and sent Ehud, their left-handed-dagger-maker, to pay the “bully-tax”. But Ehud literally had a trick up his sleeve…one of his double sided daggers.


   After paying the “bully tax”, Ehud told obese king Eglon, “I have a secret message for you”. Even though this was the oldest trick in the book, obese king Eglon fell for it. He sent his “little bullies” away and when they had gone, Ehud put his plan into action.


   Just imagine Ehud bending WAY over to whisper in the rather large kings ear….and then Ehud gives the king a reverse tummy-tuck, without anesthesia.


   Ehud then sneaks out a window.


   The servants of large king Eglon start to search for him but cannot find him. Finally they notice the bathroom door is locked.


    So they wait…and wait….and wait…..and wait. Becoming MORE embarrassed, they wonder what he ate the day before…

  and wait, and wait and wait.


  Finally, not knowing what else to do, they use the key to open the door….and there he was, dead on the bathroom floor.


   Sorta sounds like a “comic murder mystery”, doesn’t it?


   Another example of the humor found in the Bible is in Acts 20. A young man was listening to Paul preach. Paul must have been rather long-winded that day, for this young man sat in the window sill to catch a cool breeze,…I imagine keeping himself awake.


   God’s moral to this story may have been to “keep the message short” or “make your message interesting” because that young man fell out of that third story window.


   There’s even a talking donkey, abused by his master, a man named Balaam. God allows that donkey to tell his master to knock it off. (Numbers chapter 22). This was BEFORE the TV show, “Mr. Ed” was ever thought of. Who knows, they may have gotten the idea from Balaam’s donkey!


   Laughter. God created it for HIS use! And how does He use it? To make His kids happy, to His families healthy and to lighten our loads here on earth. (we always feel better after our stomachs are weak with laughter).


Pro 15:15  All the days of the afflicted are evil; But he that is of a cheerful heart hath a continual feast.


Carol Sowell, from MDA PUBLICATIONS, writes:

“Medical studies indicate that laughter boosts levels of endorphins, the body's natural painkillers, and suppresses levels of epinephrine, the stress hormone. Norman Cousins, whose book; “Anatomy of an Illness”, tells how watching comedic movies helped him recover from an illness that was predicted to be fatal, and is generally credited with starting the scientific study of the effect of humor on physical wellness some 20 years ago.


Science may consider this a new field, but spiritual teachers, some physicians and most comedians have known for centuries that laughing can take some of the power away from a disease.”


What's significant about the laughter was not just the fact that it provides internal exercise for a person flat on his or her back - a form of jogging for the innards - but that it creates a mood in which the other positive emotions can be put to work, too.



Yah, well, God knew that…His Word says:


Pro 17:22  A cheerful heart is a good medicine; But a broken spirit drieth up the bones.




Job 8:21… He will make you happy and give you something to smile about.


So, go ahead….be like God! That’s the way He created you to be….FUNNY! And if you feel daring….LOOK FOR THE “FUNNY” in all things, especially our family! God wants you to laugh! (without hurting people, of course.)


    So here’s something for you to think about:


A little boy opened the big family Bible.

He was fascinated as he fingered through the old pages.

Suddenly something fell out of the Bible.

He picked up the object and looked at it closely.

What he saw was an old leaf that had been pressed in between the pages.


"Momma, look what I found," the boy called out.


"What have you got there, dear?" his mother asked.


With astonishment in the young boy's voice, he answered: "I think it's Adam's underwear!"



So, today I pray that we all share laughter together! What better to lighten the load that the world has tried to tie on us but the humor that God has created in us?


LAUGH! And the world will laugh with you….whoever said that, must have been a Christian….who KNEW the way to testify!


Love in laughter…

Nancy UMMA Bauer






The Three Wise Women


You do know what would have happened if it had been three wise WOMEN instead of men, don't you?

They would have asked for directions,

ü  arrived on time,

ü  helped deliver the baby,

ü  cleaned the stable,

ü  made a casserole,

ü  and brought disposable diapers as gifts!



Where's God?

Two little boys were best friends at church, but they both had a reputation for getting into trouble.

One Sunday, one of the boys was home sick, but the other boy, not wanting to let his friend down,

was twice as bad as normal.


As he was running through the sanctuary after church, the pastor grabbed him and angrily said,

"Where's God?!"


The little boy was frightened and didn't know what to say.


The pastor continued, "I want you to go home and think about it and I don't want you to come back

until you can tell me where God is."


The boy went home and called his sick friend on the telephone.


"Guess what," he said. "They've lost God, and they're trying to blame that one on us, too."


God the Parent

Whenever your kids are out of control, you can take comfort from the thought that even God's omnipotence did not extend to God's kids.  


After creating heaven and earth, God created Adam and Eve.

And the first thing He said to them was: "Don't."


"Don't what?" Adam asked.


"Don't eat the Forbidden Fruit." God replied.


"Forbidden fruit? We got Forbidden Fruit?


Hey, Eve..we got Forbidden Fruit!"


"No way!"




"Don't eat that fruit!" said God.




"Because I am your Creator and I said so!" said God, wondering why He hadn't stopped after making the elephants.


A few minutes later God saw the kids having an apple break and was angry.


"Didn't I tell you not to eat that fruit?" the 'First Parent' asked.


"Uh huh," Adam replied.


"Then why did you?"


"I dunno," Eve answered.


"She started it!" Adam said.


"Did not!"


"DID so!"




Having had it with the two of them, God's punishment was that Adam and Eve should have children of their own...

thus the pattern was set, and it has never changed.


God is Watching

Children were lined up in the cafeteria of a Christian school for lunch.

At the head of the table was a large pile of apples.

Someone had written a note and placed it next to the apples.

It read, "Take only one, God is watching."

Moving through the line, to the other end of the table, was a large pile of chocolate chip cookies.

One little boy wrote his own note and snuck it next to the cookies,

"Take all you want, God is watching the apples."

Three Friends Go to Heaven

After dying in a car crash, three friends go to

Heaven for orientation. They are all asked the same

question: "When you are in your casket, and friends

and family are mourning over you, what would you like

to hear them say about you?"

The first guy immediately responds, "I would like to

hear them say that I was one of the great doctors of

my time, and a great family man."

The second guy says, "I would like to hear that I was

a wonderful husband and school teacher who made a

huge difference in the children of tomorrow."

The last guy thinks a minute and replies, "I guess

I'd like to hear them say, 'Look, he's moving!"

God, Are You Listening?

A man was walking through a forest pondering life.

He walked, pondered, walked, and pondered.

He felt very close to nature and even close to God.

He felt so close to God that he felt if he spoke God would listen.

So he asked, "God, are you listening?"

And God replied, "Yes my son, I am here."

The man stopped and pondered some more.

He looked towards the sky and said, "God, what is a million years to you?”

God replied, "Well my son, a second to me is like a million years to you."

So the man continued to walk and to ponder... walk and ponder...

Then he looked to the sky again and said, "God, what is a million dollars to you?"

And God replied, "My son, my son...a penny to me is like a million dollars to you.

It means almost nothing to me.

It does not even have a value it is so little."

The man looked down, pondered a bit and then looked up to the sky and said, "God, can I have a million dollars?"

And God replied, "In a second."



A clown is like an aspirin, only he works twice as fast.

- Groucho Marx