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From 'Mud Pit' to 'Piggy-Back-Ride'

Nancy Bauer, Washington





Ezekiel 36:25 "Then I will sprinkle clean water on you, and you shall be clean; I will cleanse you from all your filthiness and from all your idols."




It's a tradition at our house that late spring is "mud-in-the-garden" play time. I really don't know how it started, but each year my grandkids mix mud in a homemade 'mud pit', then smear it all over their bodies. Sometimes they even make a homemade Mt. St. Helens and slide down the mud flow into "Spirit Lake". Of course I can't allow that mud into the house, so they know that they have to 'pay the price of the cold hose'  to be able to come inside. A hosing own...clothes and all...a piggy-back-ride through the house...and it's straight to the tub to be scrubbed.


Was it worth the 'cold hose' to do something for such a short time and then be sprayed and scrubbed?


What's amazing to me is that no matter HOW many times WE, as sinners, get muddy...God allows us back into His house after we allow His Son, Jesus, to scrub us clean. He even gives us a 'piggy-back-ride' into His house.


This is my personal 'mud' to ' piggy-back-ride' story: I was a backslidden sinner. Saved and baptized at the age of 10, I was an active young Christian, on fire for God. Filled with the Holy Spirit as a young teen, I knew God's love, power, and His peace.


But 'the world' got to me in my later teens and I didn't hold on to the wonderful gift of salvation. I searched in the wrong places and tried to 'fit in' with all my piers. (of which I never did)


I tried it all...drugs, sex, drinking, stealing...I slid down into the 'mud-pit' of my life. I even tried having a family to replace what God had given me long ago... a place to 'fit in'.


As time went on, dropping the party-ing and putting family first, I tried to go back to "good morals"...I tried to spray MYSELF with the cold hose.


As a child, I had a human Christian mom. She had taught me AND shown me, good morals...both through her words AND her actions. BUT, without the "Source" of her example, trying to have 'good morals', never worked. I could talk and walk by my 'head' and not with a 'changed heart'. It never was real, only surface. I needed a 'scrubbing' from deep within.


So the search for true 'cleanliness' began anew. In my heart, I KNEW it was a personal walk with Jesus that I needed...a good 'cold hosing' and internal sanitizing. But because of a 'fallen church leader' at a church we tried to attend, and MANY other excuses, I began to search for the answer in OTHER places.


Yoga, and even studying Buddhism, started my deep searching. But it never gave the lasting peace or joy I was always unreal...never the deep cleansing I needed. I needed a 'piggy-back-ride' straight to the tub for scrubbing!


And so, through the help of my Believing relatives, and my husband's decision to seek the true God, I came back to the 'Source'. I again found the answer through Christ! I "FIT" in His Kingdom. It's where I've belonged all along, because HE CHOSE ME! And He stood waiting for me; towel, hose and soap in His hands.


So, on my knees, I asked for His forgiveness. And with His unfailing love and His never ending mercy, He 'hosed me down'...NO MORE MUD! THEN He gave me a 'piggy-back-ride' right back into God's love, grace and forgiveness...the cross of Calvary was, and still is, my ride!


Jesus has scrubbed me clean of the 'mud' of the past. Not even a trace is remembered by God...Jesus is the 'Soap Bubbles' that I hide behind. God now sees me as only 'shiny and clean'.


And so, my life and my example to my grandkids are now through TRUTH!


God is teaching me, DAILY, to walk with HIS morals, once again. And I stand in the 'cold hose' on a DAILY basis!


Through 'mud pit'...a smeared muddy soul...a 'cold hosing'...a 'piggy-back-ride' into God's forgiveness and consuming love...THEN scrubbed with loofah and pumice stone and the 'Holy Soap' of Jesus....I AM CLEAN! God says so, and ON THAT I STAND!




1 John 1: 9 If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.




Standing in the "puddle" of eternal forgiveness,

                 Nancy "UMMA" Bauer