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Whispers from Heaven


Nancy Bauer, Washington






nancy.jpg   Once upon a time, there was a gold seedling, growing in a loamy field of chocolate colored soil.


   He longed to grow large and sought the sun and the rain to help him grow.


   As time went by, other plants grew around him, their seeds brought in by wind and animal. Helter-skelter, they grew wherever they fell. Growth came easy for them.


   Since these other seedlings, these weeds, didn’t seem to need as much nourishment from sun and rain and didn’t require rich soil, they thrived amid the same field as the little gold seedling.


   The little gold seedling soon struggled for sunlight, rain and soil nourishment. He

became weaker. The weeds around him were chocking out all that would mature him; robbing his food and the room he needed to grow in.


   Would the little gold seedling ever complete his reason for being placed here? Would he ever produce fruit and seed the way the Creator had created him to do?


   Then, a Farmer bought the little gold seedlings home; his field of chocolate covered soil, now invaded by weeds of every kind.


   The Farmer discovered the weak little gold seedling who was struggling to grow in the middle of what once was lush, loamy soil.


   One by one, the farmer began to pull out the weeds. Carefully the Farmer made sure that not just the stem and leaves of the weeds were taken out, but that the whole root was removed. If he left even one root, the weed would return, causing the little golden plant to continue to struggle for growth.


   Once the Farmer had all the weeds and their roots removed, the little golden seedling thrived. He had all the sun, the rain, and soil nourishment that he needed to mature and grow.


   Soon, the little golden seedling became a mature plant with lush fruit, ready to produce seeds. He would now thrive and complete what the Creator had created him to do. His life and living was completed. He was fulfilled.


   That little golden seedling represents our purpose, specifically created for us by God; the Creator.


   Jesus is our Farmer. He knows just what to do to help us thrive. It’s only a matter of trusting Him to remove all the weeds from our lives.


Jeremiah 1:4, 5: This is what GOD said: "Before I shaped you in the womb, I knew all about you. Before you saw the light of day, I had holy plans for you… (the Message)


   Proverbs 16:4 says:” God made everything with a place and purpose…” and Romans 8:28 reminds us that those who love God are called according to God’s purpose.


   When we were born we were created as a field; a fertile field with loamy, lush, rich, chocolate colored soil.


   In the center of our rich field God placed a gold seedling. This is our baby sprout of purpose. As we grow, it should grow, too.


   We mature, develop and learn. Our purpose, right in the middle of our field, should be maturing, developing and learning right along side of us.


   For many of us, our purpose is no where to be seen. We want to know why we are on this earth; a longing created in our spirit causes us to search for that purpose. Where did our purpose go? We cannot ‘see’ it, for it’s covered, blocked and choked out by the ‘weeds’.


   The ‘weeds’ represent anything that blocks or delays our purpose; fear, distraction, spiritual or physical sickness, lack of confidence, doubt, lack of faith. Anything that satan can use to keep us from fulfilling what God put us here for.


  We know that when it comes to weeds, they won’t die unless the roots themselves are pulled out and destroyed. We need to find the root of the things that keep us from our purposes.


  Where did our fears come from; where did they start and take root at in our lives? When we discover where fear started and then allow Jesus to cut off that root and destroy it  our purpose can begin to flourish and grow; producing crops of fruit and seed and fulfilling our purpose.


     This is how we harvest our purpose! We allow Jesus to heal us and to rip out the weeds that satan planted around us to dwarf our golden seedling of purpose.



  Matthew 13:24-30 (the Message)

He (Jesus)told another story.


 "God's kingdom is like a farmer who planted good

seed in his field.


  That night, while his hired men were asleep, his enemy sowed thistles all through the wheat and slipped away before dawn.


  When the first green shoots appeared and the grain began to form, the thistles showed up, too.


 "The farmhands came to the farmer and said, 'Master, that was clean seed you planted, wasn't it? Where did these thistles come from?'


 "He answered, 'Some enemy did this.' "The farmhands asked, 'Should we weed out the thistles?'


"He said, 'No, if you weed the thistles, you'll pull up the wheat, too.


Let them grow together until harvest time. Then I'll instruct the harvesters

to pull up the thistles and tie them in bundles for the fire, then gather the

wheat and put it in the barn.'"


   It’s time to let Jesus ‘harvest’ our ‘weeds’ and burn them in the fire.


   It’s time to produce the fruit we were created to produce.


   It’s time to start completing our purpose and be filled with the contentment that

we all long for…