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"SECRET OF THE SEED" with NANCY BAUER - BIBLE STUDY @ - home of Strombolis eZine












Nancy Bauer, SW Washington










The SECRET of the SEED



      After last fall’s windstorm, the “whirly copters” had infested our landscaping. THOUSANDS of them! And in order for them NOT to grow…producing a forest of baby maple trees in our large bed of lava rock, I had to pick up each one individually.  It took three days to undo what God had done in planting His seeds. Nature does what God tells it to do, whether we like it or not! Unlike nature, WE have a choice!

     After picking up some 2,000 or so “whirly copters” I figured out their secret!


     The one’s that had been exposed to LOTS of water and were nestled in SOIL, THEY were the culprits that had an early start in creating that NOT WANTED maple forest.                                                                                                                                                                                                                              

      Like the “whirly copters”, to get a good start in our walk with Jesus, we need a GOOD SOAKING!

      In order for our hard shells of flesh to break open with life, they need to be softened by the Holy Spirit! The Holy Spirit teaches us about Jesus and the Truth of His Word, showing us HOW to be more like Him…and less like “dirt”.

       The one thing I noticed about the “whirly copter” seed was that the thicker the shell, the longer it took for the SOAKING to work. It just tells us that some of us need more SOAKING than others.

       After SOAKING, we break out of the fleshly shell and start to send out our “root” of new growth.

       If we find soil, we are on our way to adding ourselves to the “forest of believers”….BUT if we hit a rock….it’s harder to send our “root” down to find soil to grow in.

       God’s WORD is our good soil…..we need to stick our “root” FIRMLY in the Word of God and dive deeper seeking the nutrition and minerals that make us grow stronger.

        And of course the LIGHT/SUN was the BIG factor in their growing. When we position ourselves in the LIGHT of God and rely on His sovereignty, we will thrive in the kingdom….here and now!

        God picks the time, place and conditions of our lives. He gives us a purpose for growing. He puts us where we need to be, in HIS time, in HIS place and for HIS purposes. WE choose if we want to grow….WE have the choice to WANT to grow into what He has chosen for us to do.

        LIGHT, SOAKING, SOIL! That’s all it takes! And once the choice is made to go the “easy’ way…the natural way…GOD’S WAY…we’ll grow into a beautiful maple tree that will make “whirly copters” for God to blow in the wind…and start ANOTHER little forest of “whirly copters”.  (Ones that HOPEFULLY I won’t be pulling out!)


 Simply SOAKING (my fingers included!)

 Nancy “UMMA” Bauer