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Nancy Bauer - YOU ARE A SEED-PACK! -


Nancy Bauer, Washington State

Matthew 13: 37, 38

...."He who sows the good seed is the Son of Man, the field is the world, the good seeds are the sons of the kingdom, but the tares (weeds) are the sons of the wicked one."

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"Can we plant some seeds?" My grandkids ask each time they come to visit in the wintertime.

"Yes," I say. "It's time to plant. If we plant them now, they will
get a head start before it's time to plant them outside in the spring."

The grandkids and I, anticipate what will come from the tiny seeds we plant. We are hoping for the same exact plant that is shown on the seed pack. Healthy and beautiful.

Planting seeds is like our walk as Christians. We hope that the same seeds we plant will look like the "seed pack" picture.

But can the seeds be like the "seed pack" IF the "seed pack" doesn't look like the SEED PLANT? (the Source of the seeds).


"....let US make man in OUR image, according to OUR likeness..."

WE are the "seed pack". We, as followers of Jesus, are packed with life-giving seeds...the seeds of eternal life. What we plant from within will eventually be harvested...harvested by God. And, oh, what an amazingly beautiful-beyond-belief garden that will be!    Now, we, the "seed pack", need to reveal what this "harvest" should look like. We should look like the healthy "Seed PLANT" that our seeds came from....JESUS!

Our "seed pack" should have all His traits, as He created us to example to those who would want to have what we have. Health, strength, beauty, a sweet scent, peacefulness, and joy...ALWAYS reaching for the sun...or SON!

Does our "seed pack" reveal to others what God wants it to? Do we reveal to others the example on the OUTSIDE that make others want to peek and see what's INSIDE? Do we reveal the traits of our Maker, as we were created to be..."IN HIS IMAGE?" Spring is just the beginning. Most of us Believers are in the Summer of our walk with Jesus...growing and learning in our walk with Christ.    But fall is just around the corner... when God will reap what we've sown. Will it be a good harvest? Will our "seedlings" be now strong and healthy in all God has taught us? Or will they return to winter...back into the ground as dead, lifeless mulch?


So..."Can we plant seeds?"


ONLY if the "seed pack" truly reveals the Makers image. It is only in this way that our walk in Christ will reap the harvest HE so desires.    And that's what it's all about...pleasing the HEAD GARDNER...the MAKER OF ALL SEEDS!

PROVERBS 107: 37

And sow fields and plant vineyards, that they may yield a fruitful harvest.

Planting in the hope of a "good harvest",

Nancy "UMMA" Bauer