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Welcome to WHISPERS FROM HEAVEN - and NANCY BAUER'S Creative Writing @


Whispers From Heaven


Author Nancy Bauer, Washington State







nancB.jpg   Let me tell you about MY Jesus!

   When I'm sad, He gently folds me in His arms, rocking me back and forth against His chest. Peace rocks with us, and I NEVER want to leave.

 When I'm scared, He sits near me, reminding me that He's right there. "What can man do to me?" And again I rest in His peace.

When I'm angry, He is right there to hand me His forgiveness, AGAIN! Then He says, "Look at ME, Nancy, NOT at man!" And when I do, He lifts me up again into His peace.

When I'm thankful, I praise and worship Him, grateful that He chose ME! He WAITS for those times...even longs for them. He smiles and even dances in our worship. Oh, I want to see Him happy like that, always!

When I'm lonely, He comforts me with His Word and His Holy Spirit. "I wait for you to come to me with emptiness so I can fill you with My love!" He says. And so He does!

When confusion sets in...More often than I'd like to admit...He lets me know that it's not from Him. He shows me how to rest in Him. And AGAIN He blesses me with His amazing peace, teaching me that being too busy takes time away from US...OUR time together.

When I hurt or feel sick, He reminds me that He's already taken the stripes of pain and disease to heal me. I take His gift with thankfulness and worship.


MY Jesus is gentle, comforting, loving, forgiving thoughtful, and reliable. He heals me, holds me, teaches me and best of all...HE LOVES ME NO MATTER WHAT!

I'll forever praise and worship this amazing God/Man, sent from heaven. He's as real to me as YOU are! And He walks with me each day! Can I ever get enough of Jesus? NEVER! He's my EVERYTHING!


Let's all sing His praises for His birthday! And pass on the amazing gift He has given us....HIS LOVE! He loved us's OUR turn!

   I LOVE YOU....TAG....YOUR "IT"!

   Merry CHRISTmas!
               Nancy "Umma" Bauer