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Welcome to BIBLE STUDY with Author NANCY BAUER @ - home of Strombolis eZine





Nancy Bauer, Washington






nancy.jpg It was New Years Eve during my pre-teen years. Family and friends were poised to blow horns, bang on pans, shoot guns and light fire crackers. As the clock ticked down to midnight and the New Year, I readied my pen with an excitement to start a new page in a brand new diary. No New-Years-noise-makers for me! I just longed to start a fresh year by filling that first blank page with new dreams, new adventures and brand new hope.


   We are now in the new year of 2009. This New Year is still a clean, blank page to be written on. 


   How will we fill those pages? And how will we let God define this year of our lives?


   As I wondered about this year, I looked up the meaning of the number 9. It is the number of finality, the year of completion, the year that God wants to complete what He has started in us.


   2Ti 1:6  For this reason I remind you to keep alive the gift that God gave you.


    Each of us is born with a God-given purpose, gifts from God. They are uniquely created in you by God. You know what these gifts are because deep inside it’s what you crave and are drawn to. It’s your interests, your inner drive and an engrained longing that draws you to certain things. Most of the time, these longings are left undone and unfinished.


     This is the year that my spirit tells me that it’s time to finish what God started.


   1Ti 4:14  Neglect not the gift that is in thee, which was given thee by prophecy..


   Suppose God had planned for you to be a great artist. Not just a run-of-the-mill drawer, but a true creative painter, maybe another Thomas Kinkade. You’ve put off those art classes for lack of money, lack of time, lack of anyone-else-but-you-being-interested. You’ve shrugged off the godly-longing stirred in your heart to paint that sunrise because there just wasn’t enough time in a day. Life always tries to distract from what God wants.


   But God says it is the right time! The year 2009 is the year of finality, the year of wholeness, the year of completion.


   What better time, but in 2009, to start finishing what God has started in you? That longing to really “go for it”. Who but God has stirred this in your heart? He created you with these gifts. Not only does He wants to complete them in you, but according to the Bible, He wants you to share these gifts with others.


2 Peter 1:4  In this way he has given us the very great and precious gifts he promised, so that by means of these gifts you may escape from the destructive lust that is in the world, and may come to share the divine nature.


    Could you stir an unbeliever to really see God in your paintings? Could you revive the compassion for God in a backslider with your poetry? Could you refresh and renew your love for God as you paint, sing or even dance in the memories that the Holy Spirit has revealed to you?


   We all have passions. It could be painting, writing songs, art, poetry, or even telephone conversations. These passions are really gifts from God. Unused, they fall to the wayside and are not blessing you or those around you. These gifts are to be used for God’s glory and to bless you and others.


    It’s time to get started. It’s time to write the first page for 2009. God is setting His people on fire. His gifts are His magnification in our lives. Now is the time to use them for His glory and to bring in the harvest. Even these gifts are for that purpose.



PAGE 1          January 1, 2009                   


 Dear Diary,

   Today I asked God to fulfill His will in my life by perfecting His gifts in me.  What adventures await me in this year? Stay tuned for page 2……a continuing process and only a work that can be completed by Jehovah Himself.


Yours in Christ,

 Nancy Bauer