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Single, Peter-Kuskie,

Thanking God in Singleness

Peter G Kuskie, Australia


When I was in my early 20’s some of the young guys in our church formed the B.T.T.R. club; The “Bachelors To The Rapture” club.  These guys claimed they would remain single till the Lord returned.  I was asked to join but I refused as I wanted to marry, and knowing these guys also really wanted to marry, I believed they were all a bunch of hypocrites.  Anyway, it turns out I should have joined - they all married and I’m still single!


I am now 44 years old.  I have wanted to be married all my adult life.  I know I am not alone.  There are many who have been married and long to be married again.  Then there are those like myself who have never married. 


For those in my position there is a stigma attached with being single. 


·         I have had one father of a lady I was courting tell me there must be something wrong with me to have not yet found a wife (though the number of potentially troublesome father-in-law’s decreases the older I get!).

·         I have been asked if I was gay.

·         People say I must be too fussy. 


Not only is there the external innuendo and comments but there are the inner doubts that arise. 


·         IS there something wrong with me? 

·         Is it that I am just not good enough?


All these things do not make being single any easier, and are genuine concerns for someone who is not getting any younger but who desires a partner.


I would like to share with you how I have come to terms with my singleness while still believing I will one day find the person God has for me.


Let me preface my comments by saying I do believe that, with two conditions, if a person desires to be married then marriage is God’s will for them (more on the conditions later.) 


The person who is happy to remain single is the exception.  The apostle Paul was happily single but he acknowledged it was a gift.  1 Cor 7:7 “I wish that all men were as I am (single). But each man has his own gift from God.” 


Although my comments are primarily addressed to those who are, like myself, single and free to marry, I do believe they have relevance for all.


Rev 3:20 Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me.



Firstly, although I am single I am not alone.


When I invited Jesus into my life I entered into “potentially” the most meaningful relationship I will ever enjoy.  I say “potentially” because like any relationship it must be cultivated. 


So often people think, if I could find a partner, then I would be happy.”  This is wrong on at least two counts 


·         Firstly it is making our happiness dependent on external conditions being met.  In other words we are abdicating responsibility for our happiness.  If we say “I will be happy when…” this or that event takes place, we are putting off our happiness indefinitely.  This applies to every area of life, and is a recipe for continual unhappiness.


·         Secondly we all need a relationship with our heavenly Father to be complete. Col 2:10 “You are complete in him.”  No person alone can make us complete. There is a God shaped vacuum in us all.  God, and God only, can fill this need. To think otherwise is a mistake and will only lead to disappointment.  Not only that, but it also places unreasonable demands on the object of our expectations.


We all know it is possible to be in relationship but feel very much alone.  We see it marriages all around us.  Bob Bennett said it best for me in his song:


“Together all alone”


“He lies back to back

With his wife in the sack

Together all alone”


As I was saying, I am in relationship with the Lord and it doesn’t get any better then that!  Please remember I do want to be married (!) but I know that marriage is a temporal state.  “At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.” (Matt 22:30)  We were born to be in relationship with God before we were born to be married.  Relationship with God is something that we will enjoy for eternity.


Jn 10:27 & 28 “My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. 28I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one can snatch them out of my hand.”


I love these verses.  The word “know” here means to “know absolutely.”  It is the same word that describes the husband/wife relationship.  It is that intimate. This is the depth of relationship Jesus desires to have with us all.  No wonder the verse goes on to say “and they follow me.”  Intimacy in love births the desire for greater intimacy.  Therefore we want to follow God.  We have “tasted & seen that the Lord is good.”  Where he is, is where we want to be.  No wonder David said “Better is one day in your courts then a thousand elsewhere.”  Ps 84:10


This is the first reason for my being settled as a single Christian.  Again I emphasize that I do want to be married, but until that day and beyond, I will first and foremost enjoy being in relationship with God.


My second reason for being contented though single leads on from the first. 


Matt 6:33-34 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. 34Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.


My friends, finding a partner is not my top priority. 


I know people for whom finding a partner is their number one priority in life.  This can be sad.  Someone with whom I used to work, walks around with an almost haunted expression on his face, such is his desire to find a wife.  Such an obsession can definitely be self-defeating.


I know I can be misunderstood here so let me state up front, I believe in looking for a partner.  I have been in the position of questioning how I can find a partner when the “pool” seems so limited.  I attend a very small church.  I have been involved in the Christians singles circuit without success.  How then can I find a partner?  It seems in some ways it was so much easier when marriages were arranged!  But that is not how it is in our culture. 


I found peace in relation to this issue through applying God’s word to my outlook.


It is interesting that all the people God called in the Bible were doing something when he called them.  Gideon was threshing wheat; David was minding sheep as was Moses.  The Disciples were all engaged in various activities; Ruth was gleaning corn. 


None of these people were sitting on their hands waiting for something to happen. Jesus told us to “occupy until he comes.” He means for us to put our talents to good use.  I personally believe it is imperative for us to be doing what God means for us to do, if we are to be in the right place at the right time to meet the right one he has for us.  Therefore I put God first in my life and seek to do his will.  He will take care of the rest.  He did it for those we read of in His word and he is the same yesterday, today and forever, so he will do it for me.


Ps 37:4 “Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart.”  


Remember I said at the beginning of this article that I believe if we desire to be married then God probably means us to be?  Well this verse leads into the conditions I mentioned in that statement.


1.  Condition 1 – Delight yourself in the Lord


I have had wonderful discussion with a friend on the Internet about this verse.  I believe this verse means that as we delight in God, (i.e. seek first to please him) He places his desires within us or “gives us (imparts into us) the desires of our heart.”  


Desires are a funny thing.  It is so important that we put God first.  It is when we don’t that wrong desires can take root.  I am not just talking about sinful desires but about desires that in themselves are neutral. We may decide we need a holiday or to purchase some useful item.  We may even decide to go out with someone.  In themselves there may be nothing wrong with these plans.  But are we walking close to God when we make these plans? 1 Cor10:23 “Everything is permissible”but not everything is beneficial. “Everything is permissible”—but not everything is constructive.”  Only when we are delighting in God can we be assured that the desires we are pursuing are His best.


I have found that the times I stress most about being single are when I have stopped putting God first.  However when I come back to my first love then the stress ceases, and although the desire for marriage remains, it once again assumes its rightful place in the scheme of things.  Pleasing God first must be my chief concern.


2. Condition 2 – Put all desires upon the altar


Abraham was told to sacrifice his son, the “son of promise” that the Son God miraculously gave him. All he knew as he went to plunge the knife into Isaac was that God had asked for his son.  He did not know God was only testing him.  Yet he willingly offered up his son simply because it was what God asked of him.


Brothers and sisters are we willing to give God our desire for a partner?  I know it is a tough question but it needs to be answered honestly – perhaps even on a daily basis.  Some things God asks us for, He returns; others He does not.  He asks unconditionally.  God may ask us to give up our desire for a partner without any assurance of the outcome.  Scary stuff really.  It is the ultimate test of our commitment to, and faith in him.


Jer 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.


This verse is why we can confidently give God anything he asks of us.  God absolutely, definitely, unequivocally, without one shadow of doubt, has our best interests at heart.


Almost twenty years ago now I moved from the town in which I was born to the capital city of our State.  Initially I came to the city for a friends wedding but I thought I would see what work was available while I was here.  I applied for three jobs and obtained an interview for one.  On the morning of the interview my regular Bible reading was from Ephesians chapter six which talks about employer – employee relationships.  It was like God was telling me the job was already mine.  When I got into my car to attend the interview, I turned on the cassette player and these were the first words I heard, “God is concerned about where you live and who you marry.”  It could not have been a more direct word to my heart if God had appeared in bodily form and spoken to me.  Here I was in tears on my way to a job interview!  I got the job.  However I was seeing a girl at the time and although we got engaged it fell through.  Got the job - lost the girl.  God is concerned about where we live and who we marry.  With hindsight I am glad I lost the girl.  At the time I was devastated.  But God knows what is best. 


“Disappointment – His appointment

Change one letter then I see

That the thwarting of my purpose

Is God’s better choice for me

(Author unknown)


God has a good plan for each of us.  He has our best interests at heart.  This is true from the mundane to the major.  He desires to be intimately involved in our lives - not just as some interested observer dispensing advice as required, but as our lover, and friend.


This is especially true when it comes to whom we marry.  Marriage is the most important commitment, outside of our commitment to Christ, we will ever make.  We absolutely must not make this commitment based on anything but our compatibility in Christ.


Being unequally yoked is more then marrying an unbeliever.  Christians can become unequally yoked if, in courtship, Christ is not central.  Think about it.  We have talents, abilities, skills, dreams and visions of service for God.  The person we marry must be of like heart and mind, and true compatibility can only be recognized through a Christ centered courtship. 


God wants to be the center of our lives and our relationships.  He knows the plans He has for us. His plans are designed to do us good and to give us a future and a hope.  Knowing this is the place of safety and security.  It is the place of quietness and confidence.  Gone is the worry of time passing us by without a partner. 


Instead we get on with our lives, living for Him in the assurance that He is with us and that He will give us the desires of our heart.  God desires to share intimately with us so that out of our union with Christ will come both a confidence that he genuinely and deeply wants the best for us, and a quiet assurance concerning finding a partner.  “He makes all things beautiful in his time.”


2 Pe 3:7 “The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise….”


My friend,


·         Have you been worrying about finding a partner? 

·         Has this desire come before your relationship with God? 

·         Have you struck-out on your own because you thought God was too slow, only to be hurt and disappointed?

·         Has disappointment led to your building walls around your heart?


If so then may I please make the following suggestions?


·         Get back to the Person who must be your first love.  Jesus is waiting with open arms.

·         Spend time with the One who loves you more then any other is capable of loving you.  Become intimate with him; it is His desire – make it yours.  He delights in you - grow to delight in him.

·         Make loving God your number one priority.

·         Put all your dreams upon the altar and let him establish the desires of your heart. 

·         Get busy doing what God has placed in your heart.

·         Trust Him concerning a partner knowing that His plans for you are good, and that He, above all others, is trustworthy.


If you would like to share with me about anything you have read here, or just about your own struggles I would love to hear from you.  I can be contacted at: