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Pastor Ronald Berry - "SOUND THE TRUMPET" -

Sound The Trumpet!

Pastor Ronald Berry



The state of the union.


When an enemy would come to attack the nation of Israel, the war trumpet was sounded and the people would prepared themselves for battle, so consider this a trumpet of alarm!


George Orwell’s depiction of the world of the future was one were the totalitarian government changed the meaning of words to control it’s citizens.


The world portrayed as Orwellian is not accurate when compared to today only in the fact that it is not the government that is redefining words but people themselves, as a means to cover the moral decay of sin.


By sanitizing sin with click words we have produced a different reality or truth, but all the changes in the world will not change the truth in one’s own heart, sin is still sin and no amount of trickery with words will change God’s truth about it!


Moral decadence is rampant in our day and seems to be justified by the renaming or legitimization of it under the guise of a freedom.


This disease has spread throughout our institutions of higher learning, society in general, and even into mainstream Christian Church!


There is a warning to those entrusted to teach God’s word if they change the meaning of words in the book of Isaiah.



Woe to the preachers that call

black white and white black!


Isa:5:20: Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!



Abortion is called freedom of choice.


        1. Doctors that perform abortions are in direct contradiction to the Hippocratic oath they took to become a doctor. “I will not give to a woman a pessary (device) to produce abortion”
        2. The taking of early human life (murder)


Alcoholism & drug addiction is called a sickness.


Webster’s dictionary: The habitual or compulsive consumption of alcoholic liquor to excess The habitual user of narcotics.



Armies are called peace keepers.


Webster’s dictionary: A large, or organized body of soldiers for waging war.



Atheism is called freedom from religion.


Webster’s dictionary:

a)     The belief that there is no God

b)     Denial that God exists

c)     Godlessness



Cultism is called alternate avenues to God.


Webster’s dictionary:

a)     A quasi-religious group

b)     Having unorthodox or extremist views, practices or beliefs.



Cursing is called free speech.


Webster’s dictionary:

a)     To use profane or obscene language

b)     To name (something held sacred) in taking an oath

c)     3. Creation is called evolution.

                 God’s created earth


Covetousness is called materialism.


1.   Greediness



Exploitation of workers is called labor management.


Webster’s dictionary:

a)     To make unethical use of another for one’s own advantage or profit.

b)     To make profit from the labor of others without giving a just return



Euthanasia is called death with dignity.


Webster’s dictionary:

a)     Act or practice of causing death.

b)     To put an end to suffering (put out of misery)

c)     To take another’s life painlessly



Exhibitionism was a crime but today it is called free expression or art


Webster’s dictionary:

a)     A tendency to call attention to one’s self.

b)     A tendency to expose parts of the body that are conventionally concealed.

c)     To expose one’s self for other’s sexual gratification or stimulation.



Fighting is called limited military action.


Webster’s dictionary:

a)     To take part in a battle.

b)     To engage in war with weapons.

c)     To engage in combat.

d)     To fight until one side is defeated



Fornication is called sexual freedom.


Webster’s dictionary:

1.       Voluntary sexual intercourse engaged in by a married man or woman.

2.       Adultery when one partner is married.

3.       Any unlawful sexual intercourse



Greed is called acquisition of wealth.


Webster’s dictionary:

1.                  Excessive desire for getting or having wealth or goods.

2.                  Desire for more than one needs or deserves, avarice.



Gluttony is called an eating disorder.


Webster’s dictionary:

1.     A person who greedily eats too much.

2.     The habit of eating too much.



Homosexuality and lesbianism is called sexual preference.


Webster’s dictionary:

1.          Characterized by the un-natural sexual desire for one of the same sex.

2.          Sexual union between those of the same sex.



Immorality is called alternate life styles.


Webster’s dictionary:

1.       Not conforming with accepted principals of right and wrong behavior.

2.       Not in conformity with accepted standards of proper sexual behavior.

3.       Unchaste, lewd, or wicked behavior



Idolatry is called freedom of religion.


Webster’s dictionary:

1.     Worship of an image of God or gods.

2.     Any worship of a heathen deity.

3.     Any worship of an object in excess or admiration.

4.     A false notion or idea that causes errors in thinking or reasoning.

5.     Worship of an imposter.



Infanticide is called genetic screening.


Webster’s dictionary:

1.     The murder of a baby.

2.     A person guilty of the murder of a baby.


Laziness is called unionism


Webster’s dictionary:

1.     Not eager or willing to work.

2.     Not willing to exert oneself.

3.     Indolent, slothful, or a sluggard.



Lust is called love.


Webster’s dictionary:

1.        A desire to gratify the senses or bodily desires.

2.        Sexual desire.

3.        Excessive sexual desire.

4.        Unrestrained gratification.

5.        Lusts of the flesh



Living together as man and wife without marriage is called co-habitation.


Webster’s dictionary:

1. Out of wedlock.



Morality is called life choices.


Webster’s dictionary:

1.     Moral quality or character.

2.     The action of rightness or wrongness.

3.     Being in accord with the principles or standards of right conduct.

4.     Virtue in sexual conduct.

5.     Right and wrong ethical conduct



Pornography is called freedom of artistic expression.


Webster’s dictionary:

1.         Writings or pictures intended to arouse sexual desire.



Pre-marital sex is called experimentation.


Webster’s dictionary:

1.     The act of fornication.

2.     The sin of sex outside of marriage



Religion is called in-tolerance.


Webster’s dictionary:

1.       Belief in a supernatural being God and the worship of.

2.       A system of belief and worship resting on a code of ethics or a philosophy of life.

3.       A system of beliefs, practices, and ethical values associated with worship.



Selfishness is called self-expression.


Webster’s dictionary:

1.       Too much concern with one’s own welfare or interests.

2.       Having little or no regard for others (self-centered).

3.       Showing or promoting self-interest.



Sin is called tolerance.


Webster’s dictionary:

1.              An offence against God, or good morals.

2.              Being guilty before God.

3.              The offence of any law, standard, or code of conduct.



Sadomasochism is call freedom of sexual expression.


Webster’s dictionary:

1.       Getting of sexual pleasure from sadism or masochism.

2.       Getting sexual pleasure from dominating, mistreating or hurting one’s partner.

3.       Getting pleasure from inflicting physical or psychological pain on another.



Truth is called situational ethics:


1.     The quality or state of being true.

2.     Sincerity, genuineness, or honesty.

3.     That which is true, correct, or accurate.

4.     Agreement with a standard or rule of law



The Ten Commandments are called religious indoctrination.


Webster’s dictionary:

1.               The ten laws constituting the fundamental moral code of Judaism and Christianity.

2.               See Ex 20:2-17 or Deut 5:6-22



War is called military intervention.


Webster’s dictionary:

1.               Open armed conflict between countries or factions.

2.               Any active hostility, contention, or struggle (a conflict).

3.               A battle.

4.               Military operations resulting in war.

5.               A state of armed conflict



Voyeurism is freedom of expression viewing of the sex act.


Webster’s dictionary:

1.                 A person who is sexually gratified by viewing pornography.

2.                 Viewing for sexual gratification others disrobing, or engaged in sexual activities.

3.                 A peeping Tom



there is a better way:


Hebrews 6:9 “beloved, we are persuaded better things of you, and things that accompany salvation”



The works of the flesh:


Gal 5:19: Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness (dirty, vile), lasciviousness (lustfulness),

20: Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance (argumentative), emulations (rivalry), wrath, strife, seditions, heresies,

21: Envyings (want what is other’s), murders, drunkenness (gluttony or excesses), revellings (stirring up of rebellion), and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.



The fruit of the spirit IS:


Gal 5:22: But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,

23: Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.

24: And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts.

25: If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.

26: Let us not be desirous of vain glory, provoking one another, envying one another.


Love is:


 1st Cor 13:4.  Love is very patient and kind, never jealous or envious, never boastful or proud,

 5.  never haughty or selfish or rude. Love does not demand its own way. It is not irritable or touchy. It does not hold grudges and will hardly even notice when others do it wrong.

 6.  It is never glad about injustice, but rejoices whenever truth wins out.

 7.  If you love someone you will be loyal to him no matter what the cost. You will always believe in him, always expect the best of him, and always stand your ground in defending him.


Love is of God:


1John 4:7 “Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God.”



My disciples practice love:


John 13:35 “By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.”


May god bless the children of god’s kingdom!

Pastor Ron