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Ryane Olin, Pastor Scott Olin - "WORSHIP: OUR GREATEST DESIRE"


Ryane Olin, Worship Leader & Sr. Pastor Scott Olin



 It is my desire, through worship, to touch the Fathers heart. God has given us many different ways to worship him. Whether it’s giving your time in prayer, reading the Bible, helping someone change a flat tire or worshiping God for who he is. God has given us music for the sole purpose of that very thing.


At New Hope City Church you will find contemporary worship and exhalative praise to our God. Worship is a key step towards the type of active relationship our father desires for us to have with him. Bottom line, the Holy Spirit is the conductor and we’ve been allowed a seat in the orchestra.     At New Hope City Church you will find contemporary worship and exhalative praise to our God. Worship is a key step towards the type of active relationship our father desires for us to have with him. Bottom line, the Holy Spirit is the conductor and we’ve been allowed a seat in the orchestra. 


Ryane Olin,

  Worship leader


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Throughout the Word of God you find truths and patterns that are relevant for the day we’re living in. Many of these truths are big keys for today, and it’s imperative that we embrace them and wrap our minds and hearts around them.


In Leviticus 16 we find one of these truths that is still a picture and pattern for today. Once a year the high priest would enter the Holy Place of the Temple to burn incense upon the altar, with the goal of passing through the veil that separated the Holy Place from the most Holy Place - to offer sacrifice to the Lord. The burning of incense was necessary before the priest could pass through the veil, and enter the most Holy Place.


Today, you and I have been given the right to enter into the most Holy Place, because of the sacrifice of or Lord Jesus. Yet as it was then, so it is today: The burning of incense always comes before we enter into the Holy Place. In days of old the incense was offered up, and at the right time the priest would enter in. It was the smoke of the burning-incense that would precede him, and usher him into the Holy of Holies. The smoke of the incense went first, ALWAYS FIRST!


David said: “Let my prayer arise before thee as incense, and the lifting up of my hands as the evening sacrifice.” Ps 131:2 The Word prayer in the Hebrew language was not just limited to prayer; it means “prayer, praise, worship, intercession and supplication.”  THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS TODAY!


When I am in worship, praise and prayer - it is lifted before the throne of God in heaven; it is spiritual incense in the day we’re living in. Just as the smoke led the way for the priests in days gone by, our praise and worship usher us in, and leads us into the presence of God. I believe that the church that understands this truth is the church that will experience the glory of God in these days.


THIS IS OUR GOAL AT NHCC: Our desire is to meet with the King each time we gather for weekend celebration. We want to come before Him with songs of love and adoration. As the pastor of NHCC, I could care less if that is accomplished with a banjo and harmonica, or drums and guitar, I just want Jesus! We want to do what we can to make our King feel as welcome as possible.


In His Service,

     Pastor Scott Olin