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Victoria Smoak - "A NEW FAMILY" -


Victoria Smoak, Washington


     God is the One who made all things, and all things are for his glory. He wanted to have many children share his glory. Hebrews 2:10a


     Growing up I had two loving parents, loving brothers and loving sisters in a loving Christian home. Thinking back we had our typical family problems like most families. Like which one of us girls could use the telephone first. Or which one of us could use the car for the weekend. But most of the time I can honestly say God blessed me with a very awesome childhood upbringing. To this day I am still close with my family, more then I have ever been. Maybe it’s because I have a family of my own now and know what my parents had to deal with. I always wondered what causes those gray hairs. (LOL) Looking back I can honestly say, I would not change a thing from my past.


     One of God’s purposes in life is for us is to be part of his family. He actually planned this long before we were even born. God didn’t need a family, he desired one and that’s where we fit in. He created a plan to create us, bring us into his family and share with us all he has. This makes God feel so loved and important just like it is important for us to have our biological families. Just like your biological father, God becomes our Father and we become his children. Other believers become our brothers and sisters too!


    This past year, I was born again (again) and accepted the Lord into my heart. I now have a new family. With this family, I now have a spiritual family. I also have a church family that has been my rock this past year. They make me feel so loved and they are always there when I need support or a shoulder just to cry on. Growing up and attending church I never realized how important attending church and getting together with other believers is. Now that I am older, I understand how important it is to be with other believers. I am kind of a shy person so when I first walked into New Hope City Church, I was tempted by silly Satan to just go back into my car and drive off but that didn’t happen. I walked into the church for the first time and I was welcomed with open arms and hugs. It’s like that now with every time that we meet or get together. People really care at our church and in your walk with the Lord, it is so important to have that Church Family for support, love, advice, testimonies, etc. and just to be there for you! Our Pastor always quotes “We don’t want to walk this walk alone” That’s awesome because right now and forever, I wouldn’t have it any other way! Having a church family has really moved me out of my shyness shell. It has taught me to show love and really care about others as God does. I am learning real fellowship and being dependent on each other. That’s such an awesome feeling! I am so thankful I didn’t get back into my car that night!


    You are members of God’s very own family, citizens of God’s country, and you belong in God’s household with every other Christian.  Ephesians 2:19


 Victoria E. Smoak