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"THE PROFESSOR RETIRES" - His story on - home of Strombolis eZine






bookmanstack.gifHundreds of Professors, from around the world, the President of the university, the board, faculty, alumni, hundreds of past students and friends from around the world gathered to celebrate this renown professor, as he retired from many years of teaching.


After several speaches and numerous "congratulations" - the prestigious Professor was asked questions by the attending media, by younger professors and even a few students. The final question of the night was from one of the students that this man had greatly influenced.


After showing his respect, and honoring the man with words filled with gratitude, the student asked: “Professor, In all the of your education, years of teaching, in your world-wide travels, and from many years of life-experience behind you… what would you say is the most valuable piece of information that you have ever acquired?”


You could litteraly hear the silence cover the crowd – every ear hungry for the great wisdom this man was about to deposit into their lives. Pencils in hand, paper ready to capture his thougts - everyone wanted to hear how the Professor would reply.


The Professor, moving a little slower than in past years, but with that old familiar confidence and boldness that he was known for, and with the twinkle of life still in his eyes – answered without a moment’s hesitation…


“The greatest truth that I have acquired in my life is…


Jesus loves me… this I know…

For the Bible tells me so.


Yes! Jesus loves me!

Yes! Jesus loves me!

Yes! Jesus loves me!

The Bible tells me so.”


Quietly turning, and returning to his seat, the Professor had clearly completed his task for the night. The crowd remained silent. No one had a rebuttal or an argument, no one had another question. The crowd was stunned by the professor’s answer, but they knew this confident man, who had a reputation of integrity and wisdom,  they knew they could trust his word -  now they knew why!


Many left the auditorium that night, not understanding why the Professor’s last statement caused them to weep, but they knew it was something they wanted to explore.




On the heels of this story, let me ask you… when you are given opportunity to speak, to one person or to thousands… do you share the message of God’s love?  Is there any greater knowledge or riches that you could offer?


Nothing and no man-on-earth can change a life or mend a broken heart, nothing and no one can rescue a lost and hopeless world… only Jesus can do that!


Something to think about.  J

Editor's Note: I don't know if this story is "fact" or "fiction"...either way, it does "tell The Story!" ...JESUS is the only answer for HOPE and for LIFE and for PEACE.