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-Our Vision-


 From the beginning of this ministry, in 1995 - “Maranatha Media Productions” - everything that we do we do with the direction given from the Holy Spirit in Psalm 96. (The Strombolis web-site was officially launched in July 2000).



Psalm 96:1-4 Sing a new song to the Lord!
      Let the whole earth sing to the Lord
2 Sing to the Lord; praise his name.
      Each day proclaim the good news that He saves.
 3 Publish his glorious deeds among the nations.
      Tell everyone about the amazing things he does.
4 Great is the Lord! He is most worthy of praise!





It is simply our desire to be an instrument of the Lord, to encourage others with the life-changing Word of God. Without Jesus Christ, the world is without hope or help. His Word is the “Bread of Life” - it is only God’s Word that can transform a life.



-Our Beginning-








My Father, God has done a wonderful job of bringing a Team of Ministers to this site. It is always exciting to me when He adds another writer;  we give Him all the credit and all the glory for anything good and right on this site.


Our beginning on the internet was a Google-search for an “online Bible Study.”  That search took me to a site that offered weekly Bible-Studies (no longer the case). I quickly became a regular in Bible Study & The Prayer room; where I met many of God’s-Children from around the world.


At that time, I sent email once a week that I called – “Word-4-Today” to encourage others with the Word. One day in a chat-room someone was talking about that email, and said that I needed to build a web-site for that type of topic. Well, I really didn’t give it another thought, as I knew nothing at all about the Internet. One of the “youngins” who was part of this conversation made her way to into a free-host-site and started a web-site for me. A couple days later she completed a “homepage” - and sent me a link to the site that later grew into Strombolis.


I didn’t know a thing about the Internet; it took me several tries to figure out how to get that one page open. Well, the short version of this story is that a couple months later I just couldn’t get the idea of a site off my mind. I finally ventured in, and with a lot of trial and error, with several face-lifts, and a lot of advice along the way – the site has become what it is today; we are still learning as we go.


Thank you for stopping by to get acquainted. God bless you and direct your steps clearly in His Word.

















































Shalom!  SHINE ON!!

               jj daniel