![]() To Domino's Page This is Domino. She was born March 11, 1994. She weighed about 1/2 pound when she was 6 weeks old. Now she weighs 20 pounds. She is on a weigh loss program at the vet's and has lost 1 ounce so far....but that's for 2 months. :) Christmas
2005 Picture of Domino
Pet Contest Grand Champion Winner
radio station and Green Acres
Kennel was holding a 9-week contest for the Prettiest Pet. I
sent in Domino's picture for nomination and she won on the 6th week.
At the end of the 9-week contest, all weekly winners were put up for voting
for the Grand Champion Round. I e-mailed all my friends and student
to vote for her and the result was extraordinary with hundreds of e-mail
entries. Domino was the Grand Champion. Here are some pictures
of Dorian and myself with the "WINNER". Also, a picture of Domino
on her way home from the festivities at the kennel sponsoring the event.
The first pictures is the entry for the contest. Thanks everyone
for your votes.
When Domino was 3 years old, we almost lost her. With the help of her Veterinarians, money and persistence, we pulled her through. I will be putting up a couple more pictures of her, so come back again. Domino in the cage at the hospital
On her favorite pillow when we brought her home from the animal hospital.
Christmas 1998, playing with her newest catnip bag. Can't understand how she loses them so quickly hehehe. Happy and healthy again.
Here are a few more pictures I chose at random.
Here are pictures of Domino's cousins.
![]() The Birds ![]()