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The White House
Bureau of Indian Affairs
Indian Health Service
Dept. of Justice
FBI Minneapolis
US House of Representatives
US Senate
Central Intelligence Agency
Dept. Of Interior
Dept. of Defense
State Department
US Supreme Court
US Court of Appeals
Library of Congress
Political Activism Resources
American Journal of Political Science
World Political Parties Index
Political Data Base of The Americas
Canadian Political Parties

Native American

Native American Political Issues
Native American Caucas
Native American Rights Fund
Tribal Court Clearing House
American Indian Policy Center
International Indian Treaty Council
National American Indian Housing Council
Tribal Court CASA Project
American Indian Law Review
American Indian Environmental Office (EPA)
National Indian Law Library
Indian Country Today
American Indian Radio Satelite
Native Community Radio
Minnesota Indian Affairs Council

Humanitarian & Environmental

Save Tibet
Free The Children
Human Rights Commission
Women's Third World Issues
Amnesty International
American Civil Liberties Union
Nepal Human Rights
Guatemala Human Rights Commission
Shundahai Network
Human Rights Watch
International Mission of Hope Vietnam
United Native America
Resource Center of The Americas
Green Peace
One World
Amazon Watch
Sweet Grass Lodge
Environmental Defense
Rain Forest Network
Earth Justice
National Wildlife Federation
Buffalo Nation
Honor The Earth