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Reject Letter Commentary: Berkeley

Note: The following is the actual rejection letter I received from University of California, Berkeley, along with my own commentary. The letter will be in italics and my commentary will be lead by Me:

Dear Ms. Cheuk:

I regret to inform you that the Mathematics Department at UC Berkeley is unable to offer you admission for the coming academic yaer of Fall 2002.

me: These guys are to the point, aren't they?

The Berkeley campus has a strict enrollment ceiling and thus each department is limited in the number of new students it may admit each year, while the number of applications that we receive continues to grow from year to year.

me: I know, I know. No grad student wants to be stuck in the broom closet as their office, and thus, the ceiling is established.

The department has the difficult task of selecting students with the strongest overall records from a large pool of well-qualified applicants Unfortunately, this may result in not being able to accept many applicants who are capableof excellent academic work.

me: Okay, this is REALLY startin to start like a form letter. I think I see the words "form 29" on the corner of the letter.

I am sorry we could not find a place for you.

me: yes, you should be.

I hope that you will be able to make other arrangements to achieve your academic goals.

me: Well, first I'm going to walk around the math department here at Berkeley and glare at everyone who happens to walk by in my best "YOU!" expression. Then I'm going to go home and eat a gallon of ice cream while reading an article on ruler and compass constructions. Later I'll use the sharp point of my compass on a dart board with the letter attached on the front side.

I'm more insulted than anything else. I really didn't want to stay for another seven years anyway. My poor ego is still in recovery.

Sincerely, (signed by Chairman of Graduate Admissions Committee.)

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