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Reject Letter Commentary: Stanford

Note: The following is the actual rejection letter I received from Stanford University, along with my own commentary. The letter will be in italics and my commentary will be lead by Me:

Dear Ms. Cheuk:

Your application for admission to the Ph.D. program in Mathematics has been reviewed by the admissions committee. The number of applicants far exceeds the number of those we can admit, and the process of making choices is very difficult.

me: And the dream is...

We regret to tell you...

me: Over!

...that the committee did not recommend you for admission. I can only assure you that each application is reviewed carefully and thoughtfully by each member of the committee.

me: Dum dee dum... At least their graduate reject letter is nicer than their undergraduate reject letter.

You are to be congratulated for your work in mathematics thus far.

me: I wonder if there is a GPA + GRE score cut off for the "You are to be congratulated" form letter. Hee hee.

Please accept our best wishes for your future.

me: Blah. I feel sick.

Sincerely, (signed by Chairman of Graduate Admissions Committee.)

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